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Discussion in 'Evolution of Language' started by Ken Anderson, Sep 22, 2017.

  1. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Ok, Frank, you swear a lot..........why? Where did it start? Guess, from being around my step-dad and his swearing, during my high school years, I got lucky and didn't do it or very little of it.
  2. Martin Alonzo

    Martin Alonzo Supreme Member

    Mar 7, 2015
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    Swearing was the only way I found out what Jesus middle name was H
  3. Jeff Tracy

    Jeff Tracy Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2017
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    You must mean HERNANDO ...
    Chrissy Cross likes this.
  4. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Ok. Funny, but not funny either.
  5. Hedi Mitchell

    Hedi Mitchell Supreme Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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    And this has what to do with cussing? Might want to make a person cuss ?
    Jeff Tracy likes this.
  6. Jeff Tracy

    Jeff Tracy Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2017
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    ''WHOOPS :oops::oops::oops: CUSSING'' ...should have had my glasses on....sorry, my bad ...:confused::confused::confused:
  7. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    I found myself opening this topic this morning because I could not understand how there could be over two pages of posts about cussing. As I read through the posts my heart begin to hurt more and more.

    I am a Christian and Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. What some of you have said about Him or insinuated about Jesus and Christians is offensive to me as some of your posts have make a mockery of my Lord and my faith.

    As a Christian I don't claim to be perfect or sinless. I have used curse words before and I'm sure I will again before I leave this earth. I don't go to Church every Sunday and have my sins forgiven and then start sinning all over during the new week. I sin every day... because just like everyone else I am a human being. The only difference is by asking Jesus Christ to be the Redeemer of my sins....which He shed His blood and gave His life to do for all of us....He has become just that and God my Father does not see my sins anymore, only His perfect Son standing in my sins place. God and Jesus offer this free gift to everyone so I am not special or better than anyone else...I am just saved by the grace of the God I believe in and my Savior who gave His life for my sins.

    So please don't disrespect or make a mockery of my Savior or my faith. I try my best to respect all of your beliefs in this area so all I'm asking is the same here.

    I know this is not just a Christian Forum....but there are Christians on it who don't think it's funny to read some of the posts that are mocking our beliefs. Thank you.
    Ken Anderson and Jeff Tracy like this.
  8. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    I wasn't mocking beliefs just stating my truths. My pain dr DID say Jesus Christ 3 times at my first visit with him.

    I do sometimes say "Jesus Christ" when I'm upset or angry and there are a lot of Hispanics named Jesus. I knew of a few in my grandson's former HS.

    I believe in free speech for All sides.

    That said, I try not to offend anyone but it happens.

    I was offended when you said Catholics will align with Islam and something about the anti Christ also.
    I'm sure it offended the Catholics on the forum.

    Although I'm not a practicing Catholic ...it's still a part of me in a way.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2017
    Holly Saunders and Jeff Tracy like this.
  9. Jeff Tracy

    Jeff Tracy Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2017
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    My Holy Trinity includes a God who has a sense of humour ... which is obvious 'cos he made me ... be offended by 'pride' which is the original and worst offense to our Lord ... PRIDE isolates Christians more than 'cussing' ever could.
    Chrissy Cross likes this.
  10. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Well, Babs, I believe as you do, but, on the other hand, I think these members have their “forum right” to express how they feel. It may or may not be how you feel, or how you’d talk, but they still have that “right” to speak. I have been told just that by some members over replies I’ve go to Threads I’ve done.

    This Thread was not put into the Religeon Forum, So it’s pretty “fair game” in the forum it’s in.

    I know, without a doubt, that you don’t like words against your religeon, just as wife and I don’t, but, apparently there are people in this forum that don’t care and will not stop using them just because we are Christians.

    Just my opinion.
    Chrissy Cross and Jeff Tracy like this.
  11. Hedi Mitchell

    Hedi Mitchell Supreme Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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    Good grief... I feel responsible because in my thread I talked about curse words that are over used and at the wrong time.Then Ken posted this thread about cussing.
    It appears this cussing issue has gotten out of hand - off the subject and now appears to be causing hurt feelings.
    This was not suppose to cause discord among us.
    I don't agree with many of you about a lot of things...but I like you anyway. I do try and be careful what I say or post because I do not want to cause hurt feelings to anyone. So how about we apologize to each other for stepping on and off each others toes.....and let this thread lay...dammit:D...sorry I just had to add that.
    Holly Saunders and Chrissy Cross like this.
  12. Bill Boggs

    Bill Boggs Supreme Member

    May 13, 2015
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    I don't curse as much as I did when I was young. It was pointed out to me one time and I realized I didn't notice how much I did curse.. I got to substituting the words Mickey Mouse for curse words and sill to this day most often use mickey mouse. Somebody on this forum has a signature: Lord, deliver me from self righteous people, that sometime might apply to some of us if we are able to apply same to ourselves. Maybe not.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2017
    Chrissy Cross likes this.
  13. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Actually, I don’t see anything for anyone to apologize for. They were all, including me, replying to a thread with their opinions. A lot of times, opinions hurt, but that’s simply “the way it is”.
    Holly Saunders and Chrissy Cross like this.
  14. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    I didn't post because I was mad at anybody. I just wanted to stand for what I believe too. Sometimes we all get a little carried away in a topic but it is my opinion that sometimes we can go to far....and I think we should be able to say this too. I didn't name any names in my post I didn't want to do that, I just wanted to stand up for what I believe in too.

    When I first joined this Forum I came on really strong in my Faith beliefs and I had to learn from many of you that I had to tone it down not to offend any of you. I have really done my best to do that without having to stop being my natural self too. I know this sounds naive but I really didn't understand how we could all have such different beliefs when I first joined SeniorsOnly Club. But I have come to respect our differences and accept that we are all human beings looking for the Truth and finding our own versions of it....and my version of Truth is just as important to me as yours is to you. So I'm just asking that we keep respecting each others truths and faith beliefs whether we are on the faith part of the Forum or any other part. All I can do is ask this and I am.
    Ken Anderson and Chrissy Cross like this.
  15. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Actually, Babs, I think this is up to Ken to determine what can and can’t be discussed and how they are discussed.
    I don’t think have the right to tell folks how to discuss things. I was told that very thing in one of my Threads where I didn’t really like the responses.
    Some would say “you are stepping over the line” by telling others what the can and can’t say.

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