My knees started giving me issues years ago and my right one is way worse since hiip replacement and SHORTTER LEG outcome.... I I wear knee supports and they do help a LOT. Also use pain ointments of many varities... Topricin Pain Ointement is a favorite..
Oh it was a problem with right hip and I did the replacement as trusted it would be is very ify and I know so much more now. I had a lot of right groin mess and the xrays showed a lot of jagged arthritic (bone spurs) stuff all around the right groin. That pain is gone but I live with Surgery Damage. The boy is cut up and arthritis sets in like right away. And the arthritis bodywide continues in spite of all I take to reduce and manage it...I refuse hard pharma drugs.
Joy I'm sorry you have to deal with this, who knows what the future holds for us but maybe a golf cart or something to get you out of the house? Do you live in the city?
Took me a while to catch my second wind. I feel much better, even cut a few vines. Do I feel like this nope, but it makes me feel better after its done. Today I almost did a mile.
I am trying to walk at least 2 miles each day, and I do it in bits and pieces, back and forth through the house. When we go to the fitness center, then I also swim for an hour, which is what we did today. I am always totally exhausted and ready for a good night’s sleep after a double exercise day like today.
Being inside the house all day while living in isolation far away from any gym doesn't leave me much choice. Yvonne, I think it is great you can do all that and be around other people while doing so. After Jake got injured our life plans changed drastically.
Being close to a fitness center has been a blessing for both Bobby and I . I used to get all of my exercise from long walks with my dogs, taking care of the horses, milking the goat, and other regular farm chores. Now, that is no longer possible, especially since we are here in town and not in the country in Idaho anymore. Our medicare Advantage plan includes Silver Sneakers, which is a fitness membership. We go to the Wellness Center, which is part of the Huntsville Hospital system, and there are mainly seniors using the center; so we feel right at home there. Bobby works out and I swim.
That sounds great living near conveniences like that. Living in rural areas away from everything and everyone is no fun. We had big plans when we moved here in 1998 but things change.
That is great! today I took ,Foxy, Leo and Molly on my walk a little over an hour ago, we put in a mile. But I did take a couple breaks, they like to lead aka pull. But compared to when we first got them, they are show dogs both in looks and discipline. Hubby followed om golf cart. Yvonne it is amazing what exercise dose for us. Especially us black lung cigarette smoking, heart stents, vision impaired diabetics. My legs and feet feel much better.
Took dogs today they were mad at me for not taking them last few days, did some vine clearing on the way. Only missed 2 days this month because of rain and cold. Came back vacuumed and mopped the floors my glucose was really high this morning 140 so had to work out and work hard.
I think that you mentioned that you drink Boost for energy, and both that and Ensure have sugar/glucose as one of the top ingredients , so you would probably be getting a blood sugar spike when you drink one these energy drinks.