Being a competitive shooter all my life the ones that get me are 'bullets that spark' hitting things like trees!
...nor do they ever seem to do any work outside the house for more than a few minutes a week ... et they have the most expensive house, car/s , neighbourhood, stylish expensive clothing, immaculate hair, immaculately groomed.. Purrleese... In the Uk we're much better at realism than non Brit TV
I have my husband tickled when I catch foopahs in movies. He will just chuckle and I'm rolling in my seat laughing my head off. Especially old westerns and classic movies.
My wife thinks I spoil the movies for her by picking them apart on details, but she has gotten used to it somewhat over the years. In the old westerns, lots of people got shot but never bled, and the old revolvers held more ammo than the modern drum magazines. In the modern stuff, it seems that most of the combatants are shooting at walls, packing crates, and doorframes. The bad guys are usually on full auto and the good guys have 9-mm handguns. You can also note with TV that, when SWAT or ERT (or whatever) are called in, the SWAT folks usually have body armor, helmets and goggles, while the "stars" lead the SWAT unit into the fray with bare heads, no goggles and small bullet-proof vests but almost never get injured.
I have been amused when the car tires squeal while rounding the corner at rapid speed, on a dirt road.
They used to do that in movies by underinflating the tires, but that doesn't work on dirt roads, so now they just dub in the sound.