I do all my banking on line and have not been inside of a bank in over 25 years. I have a debit card with my on line bank as well as a checking account.
My husband and I do direct deposit for our retirement checks, but he goes to the bank for his part time job checks. I don't remember the last time I was in our bank...since I know my husband will be going I just tell him if I need anything at the bank. I do most of my banking online.
I do most of my banking online, or use the ATM anywhere including the ones at my bank if I need occasional cash..I usually just use my debit cards for most of my purchases....and get cash back from the cashier in the supermarket ..probably only £20 at a time just..however I do go into my bank fairly regularly..maybe every couple of months for other types of transactions which I feel more secure doing over the counter