I remember all of them. We never got milk but town dwelling relatives did For some reason I remember the families phone # OX bow 7416 Our address was Cadis Stage, Star Route two. No house number assigned or needed.
I remember all of those items, even though I didn’t personally use/have all of them. Like @Lois Winters , I remember a lot more things from that time period. The car had a button on the floor to switch from low to high beam, people had hand-held eggbraters , and flour sieves. We had a collection of 78rpm records, and some of the “new” 33rpm album records that had 6-8 songs on each side. At the movies, we had Sugar Daddy caramel candy , which cost a whole nickel and lasted for the whole Saturday afternoon matinee. Our first phone had an operator lady (Number, please?), and our number for the grocery store was 208. When we got one for the house that rang both places, it was 208X. Later we had the regular dial phone with the CO3-3424 as our number.
Spoolies..you rolled your hair with them. Opned up you wound the hair around the base then pushed top down. Hair was secure until opened.
I had to wet my hair down good and comb it as straight as possible and tie a kerchief around to keep it straight.. Otherwise it was a frizzy mess in the morning. Later, for some reason, my hair suddenly went straight on its own. Joy of joys. Now it waffles between curly wavy and straight. Only God himself knows why and he ain't tellin'.