Dod Program Shows Vaccinated To Be At Highest Risk

Discussion in 'Viruses' started by Martin Alonzo, May 8, 2021.

  1. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    mRNA technology has been around for awhile, but it has been too dangerous to use on humans due to the bad long-term effects in animal trials, but when Big Pharma got the chance, it leapt into the void....
  2. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    And the inventor of mRNA technology has been banned from the big social media outlets and probably made more difficult to find in Google searches because he has expressed concern about the mRNA COVID vaccines.
    John Nopales and Don Alaska like this.
  3. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    A long video, but this is to the point:
    Link on mRNA
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  4. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I've actually seen that one already. It's well worth watching. The sad thing is that those who have decided to believe only what the government and the media allow them to believe won't read or watch anything else and, unless Dr. Fauci approves, they will reject the source of any such information. Despite credentials and accomplishments, if anyone disagrees with the government or media position, they are discredited in their minds. They will be angry with whoever they're told to be angry with, and applaud those who they're told to applaud. If everything changes next week, they won't notice the disconnect but will blindly follow the new plan.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2021
  5. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    For @Ken Anderson Tony Fauci's involvement begins around minute 40, so you can skip to that if you wish to shorten the view.:)
  6. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    It probably contains the best non-biased evaluation of the vaccine program.
  7. Janice Lynne

    Janice Lynne Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2021
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    I'm game!

    So OK, I've looked into Stew Peters a bit, and onward to Dr. Robert Malone ditto. Started watching the video, and then felt the need to try and find the original data about all those animal deaths allegedly caused by mRNA vaccine reseach.

    But no matter what I typed into Google, NIH and so forth kept coming up. Animals were said to have been euthanized after mRNA experiments, so yes --- they did all die, strictly speaking. But not from the vaccines, according to the research data.

    So I then used DuckDuckGo, and immediately found the source of the animal death stuff, and a lot more besides. But I'm still not seeing where the actual, original, source data for all that can be found!

    --- Continuing to listen to the Stew Peters interview. Right now Dr. Malone is admitting that his involvement in mRNA research took place well before the development of the COVID vaccine, which in fact he had nothing to do with. And now he's saying that Anthony Fauci is the 'general' in charge of some sort of Virus War Game scenario, reading from a carefully crafted script. And now he's telling of his own vaccination with Moderna, and the lingering after-effects of the jabs.

    And so I've listened to the whole interview, and see more clearly where some of this material is coming from. But I still don't see, and can't find, convincingly authoritative sources of original data on any of the contrary assertions being made.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2021
  8. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    Believe what you want @Janice Lynne. The point of the video was just to get an overview of a non-interested party who had an extensive background in mRNA technology. I am not particularly a fan of Stew Peters, but Dr. Malone knows of what he speaks. He was fully vaccinated, had side effects that were not disabling but were irritating. I know of a number of people who have had the same experience. As I have posted before, two of my wife's senior friends had the Covid vaccine and suffered serious side effects that THEY attributed to the vaccine, but I have no opinion on that. As @Ken Anderson has said, much of the background info on the vaccines has been censored and is not accessible, which makes it difficult to have a good scientific discussion on the subject. For some medical questions, I rely on the Chinese medical journals, but on the Covid question, they are not reliable either, as they have a vested interest in the subject. Dr. Malone said India has information, but I haven't searched there. I am not really trying to convince anyone of anything, other than I think the mandates are wrong and giving mRNA vaccine to children is criminal. For adults, especially those "of a certain age" and those with underlying comorbidities, I think it should be a personal choice. If the vaccine works, it works, but evidence from Israel and Singapore (you can look them up if you wish and form your own opinion) seem to indicate that in areas where a high percentage of the population is vaccinated, the number of breakthrough cases is rising. As Dr. Malone said, a single-site vaccine is subject to "leakage" unless the single site is very stable, such as in the Hepatitis B vaccine (my opinion). He mentioned a two-site vaccine under development in India. Multiple site immunity such as the naturally-acquired immunity has now been proven to be more "stable" and longer-lasting than the one-site spike protein immunity (again, see the studies in Israel). Using gene therapy technology on those who may suffer consequences decades from now just isn't wise in younger people (again, my opinion).
  9. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I don't know the first thing about Stew Peters but, as for the rest, it's as I said.

    John Nopales and Don Alaska like this.
  10. Janice Lynne

    Janice Lynne Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2021
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    Of course I know that I'm not going to change anyone's mind about anything, and that's not my hope or intent in joining the debate.

    What interests me is figuring out, for my own personal reference, which online 'authorities' are acting in good faith and which are deliberately creating and passing along distorted data in the service of some baffling agenda.

    Guess I'm a sort of 'debunker,' in that I pick apart info looking for the worm in any given apple, and then dismiss the purveyor of that worm.

    In listening to the video, I heard a good bit of self-contradiction and cautious backpedaling from Dr. Malone. That bothers me, along with his claim --- on his own site --- to be the literal inventor of mRNA technology overall. That research began in the 1960s, well before he could have actively been involved in it.

    Dr. Malone's therefore not a 'non-interested party' in any of this, as indicated by his misleading self-promotion.

    As for Stew Peters, his 'business' is being a talk show host. Though he claims to not be 'selling' anything, the MyPillow ads in the video place him in the 'stolen election' camp, to whatever degree. At least that's where some of his ad revenue comes from. A few decades ago Stew's show would probably have had gold-selling sponsors, and maybe still does if you watch long enough.

    Then there's the site with the 'animal death' info on it, along with a host of anti-vaccine material. Despite being called, it seems to be Naturopathic in orientation. I've learned recently that Chiropractors are more and more involved in anti-vax activity, so it makes sense that the Naturopaths would do so as well. There's a burgeoning 'industry' in seminars teaching borderline doctors how to increase revenue flow in their practices, whether by selling supplements or pushing agenda-promoting information.

    --- Again, let me be perfectly clear! I'm NOT interested in 'attacking' anyone who follows this material and finds value in it.

    The only absolute central FACT in all this is that none of us 'ground-level' humans can ever get to the
    'pure truth' of anything!

    We are just not in the loop! Nor are the 'authorities' findable online or in social media.

    What CAN be seen clearly, and what I find personally alarming, is that the politically-linked agitations of 'stolen election' and anti-science rage are undermining our democracy in unprecedented ways.

    Since we already live in a 'Corporatocracy' and have for a very long time, big business and big banking are where I personally would look for the 'masterminds' in all this.

    I also personally suspect that the massive and chaotic polarization underway in the general population could create the perfect climate for the utter removal of 'human rights' globally.

    If that's case, us 'common folk' fighting each other over masks and vaccines and 'dead voters' puts all of us equally at risk.

    But who knows conclusively! I certainly don't, and can't claim to have any inside view of what's intended by whomever, or what's to come.

    Last edited: Oct 16, 2021
  11. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I was thinking along similar lines last night, @Janice Lynne . The whole vax/no-vax thing could be just another way of dividing people. We know that the covid virus is almost 100% survivable (just like that other corona virus, the common cold), and that most of the people who actually die from the virus are either/or old and sickly, who likely can’t survive much of anything.
    And even some of them do fine. Look at Lon Tanner, he is in his mid-80’s, got covid, but is only mildly sick, according to what he is telling us.

    On the other side of that , we have totally healthy people dying from something that we are told is covid.
    Those two things do not add up.
    The vaxed blame the un-vaxed , and the un-vaxed blame the deaths on the untested vaccine; but the ultimate thing is that people are dying who should not be dying, and in about equal proportions, it seems like.
    I am wondering if it is something like @Don Alaska was telling us about, a totally new kind of virus, and one that is a lot more deadly to everyone ?
  12. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    People are already divided. We have long been in two camps: the original individualism of America, and those who believe that group-think is the only acceptable way of being, even though there is no consistency to what the approved thoughts du jour are.
  13. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    Actually, I think @Ken Anderson brought up the new virus under development. As to your other comment, I think I already related the case here early in the pandemic where a man in his 80's with cancer, renal failure and a number of other issues who was in hospice care and was given less than two weeks to live, died and was listed as a Covid death since he apparently tested positive for the virus. All his friends and family raised heck with the health department over the announcement and how utterly foolish it was. A similar case here concerned a person who died in a one-car accident and was also listed as dying form Covid. Those cases are ones I know were fudged, and enlightened me to the fact that the Covid death and even the hospitalizations could not be trusted. I have now seen figures that 70% of the hospitalizations in Florida that are listed as Covid patients are among fully vaccinated individuals.
  14. Janice Lynne

    Janice Lynne Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2021
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    What I find ominous isn't 'groupthink' so much as the way our differences in opinion (because that's all any of us can really claim) are being fanned into rage at this time.

    Why on earth are governors like Abbott and DeSantis sending the mixed messages that they are? They're fully-vaxxed, and therefore logically can't really believe that the vaccines are killing people. And then at the same time they're implicitly encouraging the police and other order-keeping entities to walk off the job, rather than submit to a supposedly dangerous vaccine.

    So which is more deadly, the virus or the vaccine? No way for a person to know! But the conflict between the two viewpoints is in my opinion the most dangerous aspect of all this.

    Fact is, you can take absolutely any social or political issue or event, and the general population will split nearly fifty-fifty over it, and immediately start fighting.
    Nancy Hart likes this.
  15. Janice Lynne

    Janice Lynne Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2021
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    It's my own inclination to assume that the virus is more deadly that others in its 'family,' and also to trust that the vaccine developed against it is a good one.

    Which might seem strange, since I've not gotten or wanted a flu vaccine since I left home at 18. My mom had mandated it every year when I was a kid, so that she wouldn't catch it from me if I brought it home --- which makes sense, since she had lifelong respiratory issues.

    But once I was out of the house, I just didn't want to bother with the shot. I've had the flu maybe three times since then, and innumerable common colds. It was maybe five years ago that I started taking echinacea supplements every single day, whether feeling sickish or not, and haven't had flu or even a cold since.

    But I've also read a lot about emerging pathogens and the near-certainty that something truly terrible could suddenly show up. Also have read about past and present research into immunology, and find the mRNA vaccines pretty nonthreatening.

    Having put those two info-flows together, I'm more than happy to take both shots, and a booster too.
    Bibbi Wright likes this.

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