"World renowned biologist Nalini Nadkarni pioneered the use of mountain climbing equipment to assist her climbs of Costa Rican rain forest canopies in the early 1980’s. Years of research, countless ascends (on four different continents) came to an abrupt halt during a normal afternoon 50 feet above ground in the Olympic National Park. Nalini eloquently describes her near death fall and offers some insight into a life altering, meaningful disturbance."
A Meteorite's Impact doesn't end, when it hits the ground! Space rocks impacted this Costa Rican village in more ways than one
Café Pura Vida, Costa Rica “'Pura Vida' is the unofficial motto of one of the happiest countries on Earth. Costa Ricans (Ticos) use this term to say hello, goodbye, or even to let people know everything’s good!" .. (READ MORE)
Looks like a nice place and well stocked. Wonder if they too are taking the world into their nation? If so goodbye resources and Costa Rica.
Costa Rica has always been on my bucket list. (unfortunately not on hubby's) so after I get rid of him I am going! I wonder if I can bring one of my almost an oxen.
Farm in Costa Rica. We have horses / goats / sheep / pigs / geese / ducks / chicken / trout and tilapias Farm in Costa Rica