Exactly Bobby! That was the point my father proved with his over 1000 pages of fine printed formulas showing every possibility based on the theorem as Fermat supposed it. I brought it up as an example of why the double slit experiment once baffled scientists and still baffles laymen if they base their thinking on what was supposed back in the early 1900s. The computerized double slit experiments we see on YouTube are programmed to get the result the creator wanted. Why can't the double slit be recreated just as Young claims he did it? I am waiting for that documented unaltered video. To clarify, Young's experiment in no way proved his supposition that human conscientiousness can exist outside the human brain and control particles. The basics to understand before discussing such a topic are: What are particles? What is an electron? What is light? What is wave? So-called quantum physics wants us to believe that an electron is a wave, not just a particle even though it has particle-like manifestations. They suppose a wave-particle duality. Their basis for such a claim is a reference to the double-slit experiment. Electron: a stable subatomic particle with a charge of negative electricity, found in all atoms and acting as the primary carrier of electricity in solids. One only needs to read the Bible to know that light is just the absence of darkness. Is light a particle as quantum physics supposes? Does that particle disappear in the darkness.? We know light as a wave and it is measured by the distance it travels in a year. So what is the definition of quantum as it applies to physics? A discrete quantity of energy proportional in magnitude to the frequency of the radiation it represents. That definition alone proves that wave-particle duality is pure nonsense! It has been disproven many times over, yet liberal professors still teach it as fact. Why? My opinion is because it fits in with the new liberal agenda of teaching our youth what to think, rather than how to think.
Interesting, seems like EMF is in everything ,just different forms. I studied Horticulture in college [ only one semester]. And the plant and soil science were really interesting. If memory serves me, the clay type soil's had the most positive ion's than other soil's, hints that most 'active' matter is basically ' alive'. https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=4f07...mcvZG9pLzEwLjEwNzMvcG5hcy4xOTA4MDg2MTE2&ntb=1 Ion exchange selectivity in clay is controlled by nanoscale chemical–mechanical coupling We can close our eyes and see the flashes of light in us.
I agree about the many professors. Ratiocinative aka radiation, is this true? I wonder why lightening is so powerdul yet when it hits an object it only cause fire instead of obliterating it.. Faye this subject is starting to fry what's left of my brain though.
Here again, I have to ask, where is the experiment to back up these words? where is the scientific proof that our minds can change the ionic structure of a glass of water? I am a great believer in the power of the subconscious mind, but I have found that with intense meditation or concentration, I didn't change an objects ionic structure , but I did change my perception of that object which would lead one to believe I changed the object. Example: A necessary medicine taste and smells bad. With hypnosis (subconscious mind), I can convince my conscious mind and make it taste and smell like my favorite chocolate. Did my brain power change the structure of the medicine to make it taste and smell better or was my mind changed so my brain decoded the signals from my taste buds and smell sensors differently? This seemingly structural change in the medication is easily debunked with tests or having it tasted by another un-hyponized person will prove the change was in my mind, not the medication structure.
Yes. One of the greatest examples I can think of is in DNA entanglement. Proposal: Jill suddenly feels queasy and feels that something is wrong with a sibling or another with a genetic tie who lives 2000 miles away. Jill calls to see if [whomever] is okay and finds that said sibling was in a car wreck. ESP? Not hardly. Think electron entanglement in regard to DNA. A wave state of any kind cannot exhibit entanglement but again, electron particles do.
Some things are changed to another form when hit by lightning. I have seen a mile of the electric fence just disappear when hit by lightning. I have seen glass appear when sand is hit by lightning. One year on a mountaintop lookout, I saw a giant dead larch tree hit by lightning. It scattered tiny pieces for half a mile, then set the forest on fire. It was a mile away, yet the explosion had the windows of the lookout moving and cracked a couple of them. I was evacuated from the lookout a couple of days later due to the size of the fire and smoke and changing winds. I was actually interviewed for 60 minutes when I passed the checkout point 7 miles down the road. I anxiously watch for my time as a star on national TV and all they showed was me saying "it was a massive explosion and blew tree up like it was hit with dynamite." 10 seconds or less of fame. I was the only eyewitness, yet what the head ranger, some drunk lady in short shorts and a poor coverage halter top, some pothead firefighter crew leader, and the sheriff had to say were worthy of 30 minutes.
I’ve viewed and read a lot of the good doctor’s experiments and proposals and I think there’s a lot of merit to his studies though if one were to draw any conclusive statements from them it would be hard. I think what he is trying to convey is how much we can influence other water based entities and how much our own emotions can manipulate (for a lack of better word) not only our own well being but others as well. His experiment with rice was excellent but again, to draw anything definitive would be a bit premature since I know of no others who are doing the same work as he.
I haven't watched the videos yet, but I will. Several years ago, a guest on Coast to Coast AM, while Art Bell ran the show, spoke of double-slit experiments. We often play old Art Bell episodes while we're in bed because they make for good sleeping material, and this was in the 1990s.
He is still on Coast to Coast Saturdays. He had some guest on who talked about these kinds of things. We still listen to his old shows on Listen to talk radio to go to sleep. This slit theory is something I'm not at all familiar with, but it could be aligned with relative theories.
He's dead. Do you mean that they rerun his old shows on Saturday? I had missed the show about double-slit experiments when it was live, hearing it for the first time while replaying an old show from the 1990s. Of course, it could also be that it caught my attention because of this thread.
They call his show 'back in time 'with Art Bell, announcer will say something like, "this show aired 19 years" ago. Comes on here after midnight.
Hi Faye. Unfortunately, my vetting of the Emoto effect did not work out the way I was hoping, namely, that scientists would be able to reproduce his results. I was hoping there was something there. So for now, I will treat it as a hypothesis just in case something does turn up later to support his work. The following link in the Irish Times challenges the Emoto hypothesis: https://www.irishtimes.com/news/sci...-of-creating-beautiful-or-ugly-water-1.574583
Art died in 2018. He was also a ham. The last time I talked to him was 2000 and on a roundtable about the Y2K nonsense. He loved exploring anything paranormal and stretching the boundaries of reality. One of my favorite discussions with him and other hams with paranormal interest was about quartz crystals creating a frequency even if they didn't vibrate. I say they don't. Does the large slab of crystal in one of the great pyramids create a frequency that the pyramid structure transmitted? One so low it was undetectable except in outer space?