I always said, if another animal gets out, my answer would be "I don't know whose sheep that is." But flying a drone could help me keep an eye on a neighbor to my north who keeps ending up on part of my land that I can't see.
Yup. I just had that yesterday for the second time since I've been here (12 years.) There is some idiot whose house is at the road (to my front/left) that shoots shotguns. I do not understand what he is doing. He rapid-fires as though he is at the range trying to get rid of ammo he does not want to cart back home. He cannot be practicing/sighting in/doing anything serious. Last year was the first I heard gunfire coming from the back of my property. Someone hiked a good ways to shoot back there...behind me are nothing but empty lots. Then yesterday I heard it along the creek off to the side of my house. I was gonna walk down there but I got this daggone catheter in me...it put me in the right mood for a conversation, but it would have been a very uncomfortable hike.
Yup. That's what I told my neighbor last year when I decided to not "just walk back there" to chase them off. A more prudent thing to do would be to erect No Trespassing signs and set up game cameras. Then let the sheriff handle it.
Good morning to all- Friends, please do be careful of idiots with guns. I would not recommend walking back- even on your property- if you know someone is there with a gun- any kind of gun. the advice to put up "posted No Trespassing " sings is quite solid. Once you've done that, you have legally performed your duty to others and then you can call the law and set them on the trespasser. Using a drone to keep an eye on property is actually a very good way to do things. Just keep the drone high enough so that the idiot with a gun can't take it down. As long as you're flying over your land, you are legally very safe. Stupid with a gun is a very bad combination. you all be safe and keep well
I've been a gun owner for 50 years, and have been around guns all my life. I've rarely encountered types like the guy who lives near me...but he sure seems to be a yahoo. Houses around here are not close to each other. This guy is around the corner from me, and I think a family lives there (adult kids.) I don't know if it's the dad or the adult sons or who gets out there and behaves that way. I can tell it's more than one of them. There are a number of folks who used to wander on my property and hunt when I first moved in, and I had no problem approaching them to talk. But I agree with you regarding these guys...they are idiots. I doubt that they are violent-dangerous, but they sure maybe be stupid-unsafe. Thank goodness they are in the tiny minority.