Always go to church on Easter. As a child, it was one of the high points of the year. If you live in Sri Lanka, maybe not so uplifting....
It's now racing towards 8pm's been a beautiful hot spring weekend.. No we didn't go to church. I haven't been to church at Easter for many years .... Instead we went to the recycling centre, with lots of stuff that's been stored in the barn over winter..then down to our boat and met up with some friends to have lunch at the Turkish restaurant overlooking the river near the mooring ... The riverside pubs and cafe's were packed with people, and lots of hire boats out on the river too.... Happy Easter
I went into a church once. It was a Lutheran Church, the "almost-acceptable" substitute for a Catholic one, to mollify my new wife-to-be's parents, and thus, we were married there. Doing so was suggested to me by the third of three Priests with whom I had consulted. The first two made suggestions hypocritical to my way of thinking, regarding certifying guaranteed Catholic upbringing for my children. The first said sign the agreement, then forget about it.......I left in disgust that I might be expected to sign my name fraudulently. The second said that particular Church requirement was to be absolved, but he could not say how soon. In our family, Easter represented the opportunity for a general family get-together with a fine, big meal. Today's Easter is a day of rest for my wife & I, satisfied our guests made it home OK. Frank
I was at this mock up 12th century Norman church , at an outdoor museum , near us......
We haven't been going to church here due to so many people going to church sick. It's pretty unbelievable and unfortunate for those that do want to attend, like us, but won't due to all of the coughing and sneezing that goes on. To us, people here simply don't care about giving their sickness to others. However, we do watch John Hagee's Service on our computer. Hopefully, after we move, we will find a church with folks who think about other's health.