Evil People

Discussion in 'Faith & Religion' started by Yvonne Smith, Apr 13, 2020.

  1. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    This is something that seems like it should be relegated to the conspiracy section, except that it is in no way a conspiracy.
    At least not now, with Microsoft promoting this avowed satanist, Marina Abramovic, and her gruesome choices in art....... and food !
    So, if you have never heard of this person, Microsoft has chosen her for their newest virtual reality ad campaign.
    There is a video on YouTube that shows what the ad is going to be.

    However, what they don’t say, is that what this satanist is most known for is something called “spirit cooking”, which even the sound of , is off-putting to me.
    It is some sort of satanic rituals, plus eating a meal that looks for all the world like a human body. Just looking at the pictures is gruesome enough that I don’t even like to look, even if they are (supposedly) eating cake in reality.
    The very idea that someone would find this acceptable, is abhorrent to a Christian, and most like it is to non-Christians, and atheists, too.

    If this is as repulsive to you as it was to me, what they are suggesting is that we go to the YouTube video from Microsoft and put a “thumbs down” on it.
    When I did that yesterday, the video already had over 4,000 dislikes, and less than 100 likes, and I am guessing that even those probably just thought that Microsoft and virtual reality had to be a good thing.

    I am posting these pictures, so you can see what I am talking about, and there is much more information online if you look up her name, or just spirit cooking.
    As Christians, we need to be praying against this kind of thing, and now it is going to go into mainstream, helped by Bill Gates and Microsoft. 5B9A7FE2-9CA2-497D-976B-7FC25FA6F554.jpeg 8ADB4487-A98D-419D-ADBC-4278D1895568.jpeg
    John Houlihan and Bobby Cole like this.
  2. Dwight Ward

    Dwight Ward Veteran Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    Since coming to the SeniorsOnly Club I've had to wrestle with the subject of Satanic child.abuse. I've learned to do it in snatches because to stick with the subject for too long at once wears on me emotionally and mentally.
    Most of my friends and family are Christian. I want to alert them to this growing problem. I want them to watch two videos:
    - 60 Minutes Australia about a young girl named Teresa
    - Out Of Shadows

    I described both briefly to my friend 'C'. She doesn't want to see either because they would be too upsetting. I want to suggest she watch them with another believing Christian, that she should watch them in an episodic manner and that she should discuss things with other people so as not to feel alone with the subject.

    Slightly off topic, here's recent post from Kevin Shipp:
    "An alert to Christians: David Icke's claims are a deception. Shape shifting and reptilian blood lines in humans have crept into some Christian circles and the movement known as Qanon. Icke is at worst a false prophet and at best a charlatan."
    I post this because it aligns with my opinion.

    So, anyway, should I mind my own business and anticipate that people will deal with the information when they have to?
  3. Dwight Ward

    Dwight Ward Veteran Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    I just started watching a video: The Fall Of Cabal. I don't know why it's Cabal and not The Cabal. It spans the issues in the introduction, including Q. From the brief introduction I think it will be critical of Donald Trump.. There's a very brief mention of the recent forest fires that I think will be expanded upon later.
    I bring it up even having not watched it through because I thought Yvonne would be interested in the part about the fires. I'll watch it through and and identify the section where that is expanded upon.

    Yvonne Smith likes this.
  4. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    This is a very, very long video, and it is in several parts. I watched it 4-5 months ago, and I watched it pretty much straight through, because once I started, I was totally engrossed .
    I have not posted this video on the forum (or maybe I did ?) because of how long it is, and most people won’t watch a 20 minute video, let alone a 3 hour one.
    Since this is about SO much more than just the explosions and fires everywhere , it should probably be in the conspiracy section instead of here.
    Even Bobby, my totally anti-conspiracy husband actually watched this all of the way through.
    The lady who put this video together is from the Netherlands, so she brings more than just an American viewpoint to the information, and there is a lot of history and current information , well worth the time to watch it.
    Bobby Cole and Dwight Ward like this.
  5. Dwight Ward

    Dwight Ward Veteran Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    It was a tossup whether to post this here or in Religion.I might double post it there. I have a question for the members. I'll try to make the background as brief as possible.

    In my study of psychology the problem of the badly behaved, potentially criminal person is explained by varying theory.
    1) Dysfunctionally raised children fail to form a mature morality.
    2) Some sections of some peoples' brains just don't function properly. These involve areas that would normally inhibit sadism and allow the right operation of conscience.

    I don't think these two account for all bad people. Whether some are made that way, some are just born that way, with fully functional brains. I rely on my personal experience to know this.

    I've met several people I perceived as evil. I'm an agnostic, so religious interpretations don't enter into it. Further, the person and I recognize each other almost immediately. I recognize them as evil, they recognize me as not. We know, right off, that we are enemies.

    This is the crux of my question which I'd like opinion on. Where is that recognition coming from? I have no skill in anything that might be called 'telepathic'. I have no saintly qualities. This tendency in myself is puzzling and upsetting and started at an early age.

    Any thoughts?
  6. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Choose one and I'll merge the other. It would fit into either of them, but not both.
  7. Dwight Ward

    Dwight Ward Veteran Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    Faith and Religion.
  8. Teresa Levitt

    Teresa Levitt Veteran Member

    Oct 22, 2019
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    except for the insane....i believe they make a choice...that in a nutshell
    Dwight Ward likes this.
  9. Nancy Hart

    Nancy Hart Supreme Member

    Jun 3, 2018
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    What does almost instantly mean? Even before they say a word? Even a word to someone other than yourself? Sometimes people are just not very good at trying to make a good first impression.

    How can you be sure you've met evil people who don't fall into one of your two categories?

    Sounds like you are talking about being able to read body language. I'm not sure I buy that concept. I do think some animals are good at it, so I suppose it's possible.

    Maybe you have a guardian angel on your shoulder. I've thought that briefly a couple of times. But a couple of coincidences are bound to happen in our whole lives.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2020
  10. Dwight Ward

    Dwight Ward Veteran Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    I don't know. I'm agnostic but maybe I have some vague notion of spiritual evil - the opposite of a guardian angel.

    Thanks for taking the time to reply to my badly phrased question, Nancy.
  11. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I’m a Deuteronomy chapter 30 kind of person. I believe that whilst we do have choices, we all inherently know the difference between right and wrong, good and evil.
    Even science and the theory of entangled DNA is a lead in that we know, from the experiences of those who have passed but are in our direct genetic line, what is good and that which is evil. Much of what is called, “instinct” is now attributed to the dynamics of stored memory in DNA.
    Either way we turn that page, the bottom line is that we know.

    But, do we understand them? How is it that John wrote, referring to Jesus in the 1st chapter of John, “and the light shineth in the darkness but the darkness comprehendeth it not”?
    He’s almost speaking as though the darkness is a tangible entity, fully mature and developed but lacking in the realm of understanding that which is good and Godly. It knows what good is, but does not understand it but it is well known that wherever there is light, another tangible entity, there can be no darkness.
    It is indeed a mystery. We experience in our own lives the effects of good and evil, but like thought and consciousness, cannot even fathom their true nature much less accurately define them.

    Now, as far as having a feeling that someone or something is good or evil, yes, there could be some tell tale look about a person but for a person who holds the belief that *the spirit in me, knows the spirit in thee*, to me, comes much closer than what a person wears or how he or she holds themselves.
    Al Amoling and Dwight Ward like this.
  12. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Evil is a matter of degrees, I think. Most people (excluding myself, of course) have some evil in them, and it is probably true that most people also have some good in them. Even in the worst of people, there is probably a spark of humanity. There is a point, I suppose, where the evil outweighs the good, and a person might be defined as evil, but not everyone will agree on when a person has reached that point. I trust that some people do, but I don't think most people look in the mirror and see a truly evil person.

    Exacerbating agreement on the definition of evil is that most people limit those things that they consider evil to actions that are illegal, while laws have always allowed for a whole lot of evil. I suspect that majority of the most powerful people in the world have gained their position through evil means.

    From your opening post, though, I suspect you're thinking of people like sociopaths and serial killers. There is a short period of time from when a person is born that they have to bond with someone. Biologically speaking, this is generally the mother. This crucial period corresponds to an infant's pre-verbal stage, the time before they have learned to speak and are learning to understand speech. Not quite as critical, but also significant, are the first months and the first couple of years of a person's life. During this time, they have to feel as if they are secure, to love and to be loved, and to have their needs met. A lot is involved in this, but they are mostly the things that parents instinctively do with their babies and young children. The experience of human touch and human speech is perhaps as important as the need to be kept warm and fed, and to be free from pain, although all of these needs are important.

    When these needs are not met, even through no fault of the parents, the baby fails to bond, and there is a point where it is almost too late because it is very difficult for a child to form healthy human relationships if he or she did not bond with another human being as an infant.

    Often, this failure is the result of abuse or neglect, but not always. Serious medical conditions might prevent a newborn baby from being held or cared for by his mother, while medical professionals are fighting for the life of the baby. However, the pre-verbal baby doesn't understand or appreciate the emergent conditions. The baby only knows that he has needs, and mom isn't there. Babies who, for whatever reason, are born with pain may also feel as if their needs are not being met. No one can explain the reasons to them, nor would they be capable of understanding them. No one is holding him. No one is rocking him. No one is singing to him. No one is there for him except for busy nurses whose faces change from one moment to another.

    A condition that can develop from a failure to bond is known as reactive attachment disorder. It is a condition within the autism spectrum. Some of these children grow out of it, even without professional help, but most will have trouble forming relationships with people, particularly women, and this is true whether the child is a boy or a girl. While they probably haven't thought it through, because it is an emotion they have always have, they are angry with mom for not being there for them when they needed her. That's simplistic, I know. There's a lot more to it, but that's a component of it. As you might expect, reactive attachment disorder is common among adopted children, and it is the reason why a significant percentage of adopted children are problem kids.

    On the positive side, children with reactive attachment disorder are often experts at sizing up a room and learning everyone's weaknesses. They also tend to be very good at figuring things out for themselves, largely because they insist on figuring things out for themselves.

    Some of these children seem to grow out of it, as I mentioned. Others become sociopaths - and sociopaths can become rapists, acting out their hatred for women, or they can become serial killers, given that they have never learned empathy, or they can become very successful businessmen and politicians, due to their ability to size up a room, and because a lie is as good as the truth to them. But the majority of them will fumble their way through life, learning that actions have consequences, and will probably have trouble sustaining lasting relationships because they have never learned to truly understand emotions.

    A doctor who specialized in treating children with reactive attachment disorder, writing a few books about the subject, told me that most children with reactive attachment disorder do not grow up to become serial killers, but most serial killers were once children with reactive attachment disorder.
    Al Amoling likes this.
  13. Lon Tanner

    Lon Tanner Supreme Member

    Apr 14, 2016
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    How do you know that your perception of a so called Evil Person is correct. Proof of their evilness would perhaps justify your perception.
  14. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Perhaps I misunderstand your premise. Are you writing that evil is a matter of perception?
  15. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    To an extent, I think evil is a matter of perception. That which might seem evil to one person would be simply a good business decision to another.

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