These healthcare workers are Special Forces fighting the common enemy and they are taking casualties world wide in order to save us.
I don't care about two thousand years ago or yesterday people are dying as I'm typing. How did you survive the Vietnam years ??
Sorry Herb but the Canadian health care only works for some people. I have paid into it and still do but I can not have it even though I pay for it. If you are a Canadian and out of the country for six months you lose it. Most thing in life if you paid for it it is your but not Canada.
You are correct on losing heath care if you leave the country that's why I'm still here you also lose part of your CPP but if you stay home it's not a bad system
I always tell young people that are getting on my nerves "AT MY AGE A LIFE SENTENCE IS NOT VERY LONG AND I WILL BE TAKEN CARE OF "
If virus or bacteria made you sick that if one person had the virus that would kill you everyone would be dead. It is the environment only if your body is weak to the virus/bacteria will it effect you. Even the medical system knows that . That is why they now are recommending vitamins and minerals.
The scare techniques used by the medical control system [WHO] James Corbett has explained these many times. A video banned from Youtube what are the afraid you might learn. BANNED FROM YOUTUBE: Pandemic!
Sorry you don't realize. God's Word, God's Actions, God's Truth has nothing at all in common with worldly man's ways or so-called "journalism" at all. Man is unreliable, dishonest , foul, deceptive and harmful. God is RELIABLE, HONEST, PURE, PERFECT and HEALING. In perfect judgment .....
The revolution has started people are fighting back. Mass Civil Disobedience is Spreading
Peruvian court ruling: pandemic “created” by Bill Gates, George Soros and Rockefeller family,+George+Soros+and+Rockefeller+family&ia=web
This doctor who has written books [Free] tells the truth of what is happening. Like the reported but not all adverse effects to the vaccine reported to CDC is 2.79% that is higher than the death rate of the virus.. Sit back listen and learn. Vernon Coleman - Following The Science? Don't Make Me Laugh