The FBI formulated and executed a plan to seize control of safe deposit boxes from a private vault and to seize, by civil asset forfeiture, all contents valued at $5,000 or more without charging owners with any crime or alleging that any crime had been committed.
I think what you mean is that we, the common citizens of this country, have no controls on anything. I’m noting that the year of 2021 came up a lot of times in the video which is along the same time lines that Biden was still tearing up everything that the Trump administration initiated. Now, whether or not the Biden administration extended the search and seizure abilities within the purview of the AG is anyone’s guess but it does seem that a “guilty until proven innocent” precedent has been the prevailing rule set by the Justice Department. (ref. Jan. 6 detainees) The bottom line (I think) is that the Justice Department vis-a-vis the Oval Office is in total control of everything. This administration and its arbiters of injustice do not care if an action is Constitutional or not just as long as they can maintain a sense of power over the American people. People who are made afraid of the power and control a Government can wield are also a beaten people by that same government.
Civil asset forfeiture, IMO, is a tool of tyrants and their minions, and de facto proof of their tyranny.
It has only been in recent times that the American people are discovering that everything we think we own right down to the kitty litter box belongs to the government. The car, the house, our bank accounts, our tools, our weapons and even our kids; everything can be taken away in an instant by the Government and the only thing the Government feels it is obligated to give you for it is a receipt.
Justice that takes decades to bear fruit is not the way things are supposed to be in this country. Of course, little else is the way it was intended to be either.
The FBI, the DOJ and the judges characterized by which president appointed them have pretty much destroyed the American justice system, IMO.
When my first husband died a friend took me to the bank before anything else to empty my safe deposit box. Not for civil asset forfeiture, I don't think, but in case of probate. Hubby and I were church mouse poor and there was nothing of monetary value. But I guess if the box has documents you might need, it is best to have them out? Steve Leto, himself, had cash seized by some state patrol guy. Steve had intended to buy a car across state lines and he is not a criminal. But he is a lawyer. Hopefully the hoops he had to jump through were easier. Many find it is not worth the expense to go after seized money. The governments are setting up their own type of bitcoins where they will have total control without having to stop your car!
Here’s an example of the kind of crap the feds pull. This guy is local here, attended a meeting where he discussed this at length, before the legal case was settled. The feds knew damn good and well he was no drug dealer. They were just seeing what they could get away with. There are police departments that include asset forfeiture as a line item in the annual budgets. This crap is vile and needs to stop.