Ours goes ahead tomorrow night. We've only had three days of winter this winter. It has been coldish but not bitterly cold like it is some years. I guess we won't be having any snow so I can't make snow cream. Fishing season starts in a few weeks. I hope we are able to go. My BIL's health is getting bad so we may not. We went down to the river the first week of January. Then we went to Lake Mattamuskeet to see the birds. It's a wildlife sanctuary and birds from way up north spend the winter there. There were literally thousands of birds there. I got some pictures and videos, but I have had camera problems. I hope I have them solved now so I can post the pictures and videos soon.
I have a true story to tell you.. I asked my wife if I should post it and she told me NO!! .... Then she said to tell it, BUT not the gory details, just the facts and be brief...... Here goes what happened to me some years ago.. It was 1970 when it happened.. When I was newly married (to my first wife) we lived in the suburbs of Montreal.. One Saturday night, we went out for dinner and an evening with some friends.. They had a 3 year old child and a rather new born baby.. We had a great time over inner and some activities after.. Our friends decided to call home to check in with the babysitter to make sure everything was OK.. The young girl babysitting said everything was OK and when we got home the turkey would be ready...... WHAT??? ... What turkey.... They paniced and we drove back to their house immediately.. Upon entering the house, we were hit with an awful smell.. I mean something very awful.. She checked the kids and her older daughter was sound asleep in her bed but the new born was missing.. She then checked what that turkey was all about and in the oven was a roaster with the cover on.. She opened up the cover of the roaster and inside was hew new born baby, totally roasted almost to a crisp.. She went totally ballistic and had a super fit.. We then called the police to report it.. The death of a child.. Naturally, I saw the body in the roaster and let me tell you, it wasn't a pleasant sight.. Turned out that the babysitter was bipolar (which she didn't know) and had no idea that she did something wrong.. I will end this story but the inquiries, meetings, and paper work due to the investigation after, also was something else between the police, coroner, lawyers, and other agencies.. This went on for a very long time..
Yes, it is quite the story.. I still get visions of the incident after all these years.. Something no-one should experience..
Steve, that had to have given you nightmares for years. And those poor parents. I can't even imagine the heartbreak they went through.
its been just over 53 years and I still get bad vibes from the view of the incident.. I said I wouldn't go into the gory details, but can you imagine what I saw and went through.. I didn't mention anything about the funeral as it too was something else.. We all had to go for therapy for a long time after all that.. I know it took me a long time to eventually post the story.. I didn't know if I should or not.. The "what makes you squirm" on the Bakers Dozen brought back the memories.. I mentioned it in my last post on there...
Well tomorrow we set our clocks ahead one hour... That means it will get dark later in the day, but sunrise will also be later.. Personally, I could never figure out why we do this in the first place.. Just keep the time as it is all year long...
I just set the clocks ahead one hour...... It is now just after 7:00 am the new time.. back to sleep I go as it is still way too early for me to get up..
could someone PLEASE end the "Bakers Dozen" from this topic.. It really bothers me to no end... Please start a pleasant topic as well.....
Thanks Kate.. The last subject just spent chills down my spine, but I still posted.. You do realize what i went through some years ago finding that poor child baked in the oven..
Steve, my mind won't let me even picture that. It goes against a blank wall when I try. It must have evoked thoughts of the horrors of holocaust to you. I hope you can finally find relief from the memories. {{{{{Hugs}}}}}