yes, i agree that a laptop would be useful if your traveling but you have to be near a wifi like mc Donalds has , you can park your car there and be able to use your laptop that way right in your car,, you cannot be out on the highway and expect to use your laptop!! Would have to be someplace that provides wifi ,, Also .if you need to travel long distance and it may take you a few days to get there,then you can use their wifi at Motels..
I bought a laptop one time, but I didn't like it. I gave it away and bought a Kindle. I can stick it in my purse and take it wherever I go.
You betcha,,, 9 years,?? E -Hawww!! ;lets celebrate soon , everyone invited to the party too, even Ken, LOL i forgot when i first came here, but guess Ken will let me know,, Congratulations,,!! whoo hooo!!
Wifi seems to be everywhere these days including every motel and hotel.. 9 lovely years that we have our...................... SHIRLEY ....
Steve, your 9-year anniversary will be in November. If Louise hadn't had computer trouble and had to rejoin, hers would be right after mine. Seems like just yesterday, doesn't it?
Shirley.. sure does and how time really flies.. It is past 10:00 pm and it is still rather light outside.. Boy the days are really getting longer..
Shirley said,,,"Hey! I've just been awarded a 9-year trophy! Do I get a party for that?" so sorry was not here for the party!!,, I don 't have a clue as to when i first came here! but never got a notice from ken so guess i got here later then you did Shirley,, anyway! either that or i missed it.. One other thing! we missed !!!,,seems there was another Horse Race!! just the otherday!!Ratsuffratze,,!!
Louise... Not odd at all.. That is just what it is... Days are getting very long and it happens every year.. I have NO idea what different it makes if one is here 9 years or less.. We are all brothers and sisters on here.. Who really cares how long we have been here... Please explain to me the difference............... Am I wrong ??????????
Was just interesting to me the time difference, sorry i even brought up the FF'n subject steve!!! Oye!!
Louise.. Please don't worry about it...nd don't be sorry... I will also give you an.. Oye Vay... Just to let you know that tonight the temperature calls for... FROST... A low will be -1c to 0c.. I still have the heat on in the house.. I took off the electric blanket a few weeks ago.. This is the 10th of June and we are still getting frost........ What will happen to my tomato plants???