@Bobby Cole the ozone hole thing has been exposed as a conspiracy by Dow Chemical, just as the light bulb fiasco was pushed by GE to get out of union contracts and move manufacturing to China to improve profits. Dow's patent on Freon was about to expire, and competitors everywhere were preparing to release their "generic" Freon. No one but Dow had any alternatives ready for the market, so Dow used its resources to fuel the Ozone Hole panic using environmental groups, either gullible or complicit, and their profits were saved albeit at a decrease in efficiency in cooling units. Now about the toilet black market....
Yeah, but they were still playing it like the proverbial violin only a few years ago...…. http://cleantechies.com/2010/01/26/closing-hole-in-ozone-layer-to-increase-global-warming/ https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/01/100125192016.htm
I have a friend who keeps sending me more scientific proof of global warming as he freeze to death. He was a medical researcher so he is right into the science view. I told him the first step in research is believe nothing without verification and then verify it again. He just send me something from a science web 2002 the Antarctic is melting. So to verify I went on to google earth and found this a view of antarctic from 1957,1981, 1997, 1991, 2008, and 2016 which is the last on Google earth. It show the ice has been increasing not decreasing as all these scientist say
@Martin Alonzo I am still into the Magma Theory. It explains why some parts of the globe are warmer and some are cooler. It also explains "El Nino" and the fact that new declension tables had to be revised early as the magnetic north pole is moving faster than normal due to moving molten iron in the Earth's core is redistributing itself toward Siberia from northern Canada.
The heavy, unseasonal snow storms in areas not normally having them are definite examples of Global Warming. Hal
Snow can be a result of warming, but not cold. Ice cores have shown that the climate always warms just before going into an Ice Age. The precip, not the temperature is what is responsible for glaciers. As the ground is covered with snow, the albedo increases and the temperature drops due to energy being reflected back into space. Trees, with a low albedo, actually warm the climate, as they absorb much of the solar energy that they are exposed to. Trees also absorb CO2, and convert it into sugar (and starch and cellulose), water, and oxygen. CO2 serves the same function as the glass on a greenhouse, and stabilizes the environment, albeit at a warmer temperature.
But the Governor has pulled the National Guard away from securing the border so they can fight wildfires that haven't started yet. I guess there is limited transportation between Southern California and Northern California so it takes weeks or months to make that trip.
The United States leads all other countries in reducing carbon emissions, yet we have not signed onto the Paris accords. -- Forbes
If this article is true, global warming won't matter. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-04-12/weakening-earths-magnetic-field-has-greatly-accelerated
@Don Alaska No "doomsday" believer am I, increased radiation from the sun, whether in the form of low-wavelength radiation such as light and heat, or ionizing radiation such as X-rays and Cosmic rays, would be little-affected by the Earth's magnetic field, which is a weak field to begin with, IMO. Frank
The problem with the magnetic pole shift is it is really happening but it is not caused by humans so no money to be made there.
Well, sure there is! If Hank Johnson’s “tipping over” theory concerning overloading Guam with military is correct, then it might follow that if people were to move and overload the South or North Pole in order to compensate for the shift then certainly, someone will make some major bucks trying to convince folks to move. It seems that it was pretty easy to find some “paid for science” to give some credibility to global warming, so it should be a snap to find some starving scientist to back up the solution to global tipping.
As a sailor I remember to calibrate the deviation into the compass settings because the compass does not point to north but to magnetic north. The deviation changes every year and from what I have hear it is moving faster. It is not in main street news as it is not caused by man no one to blame so no money. Going back to weather they are trying to blame us for weather we can not do much but just send money. Al Gore wants more money to buy ocean front property.