As I've said for years, I'll start believing in global warming when the ice age that we were promised in the early 70s shows up. Until then global warmers shit down and shut up.
In 2017, the prediction was made by the Climate folks that California would be in constant worsening droughts . What happens? California is not in drought conditions anywhere in the state for the first time in over a decade. Is that Trump's fault, too?
No offense intended to any of their members who might be here, but the People's Temple, Heaven's Gate, and the Jehovah's Witnesses have a far better track record for predicting the end of the world than the global warmists. Global warmists are a well-financed and government-supported cult.
The new green deal is eat vegetables, vegetables eat/destroy CO2 and gives oxygen in return. Cow produce CO2 and in turn fertilize the plants. So if we eat cows we destroy what is causing the CO2 and leave the plants along. This logic goes over their heads.
The leaves are turning here and starting to drop. We had only three days this summer in which the temperatures exceeded 80, and that's okay with me. It's 48 degrees right now, and I have a fan on.
Ah but the added CO2 in the atmosphere means that there are probably more leaves on the trees. More leaves means more hit the ground during autumn thereby with decomposition, create more heat than last year. The added heat in the soil means more heat will rise so the amount of cold weather you will be having this year will probably be greatly reduced by 1 or 2 degrees for about a minute or so. If left unchecked and a few billion dollars aren’t spent to start some kind of idiot change, in the span of a few thousand years, Maine will have weather like some areas of the Amazon. Wow, I think my bs scenario is even better than Al Gore’s bs scenario!
If I'm not mistaken there used to be a glacier as far south as Illinois a few thousand years ago, so if there is global warming it's been going on for a few thousand years when man was not even in the mix yet.