I also use startpage. I don't think it matters so much. 'They' own them all. Time for me to get to church and ask for forgiveness for my silly self drama. May Jesus bless you Mary. I need to shut up.
For email, I have a protonmail account (among others). So far protonmail seems to be independent from the big providers. I think Google/Chrome might have a hand on Vivaldi, not sure; I know it does on others. And Firefox seems to have given up some of its promised security. It is so difficult to keep track of what each browser company, search engine, and email provider is doing in terms of security, anonymity, and shielding from spy[ware]. I have gone partky back to real mail - snail mail - with some correspondents.
I got messed up in the gmail world for a short time and don't need more than one account....use my original email account from when I jumped into the tech world, that was 2005, Works for me, live and learn along the way how we DON'T NEED.