Ask your self this question... with all that you are worried about , how much of your worry has changed one thing? I do feel for you being alone, and older and unhealthy to boot. Like Bobby said ,you well all of us ,should have a plan or idea of what we might do incase of Any type of crisis.
Had you invested that money or lived your life working at one job long enough to obtain a good retirement plan, there's still a chance that your retirement plan would have gone broke, but, either way, you'd be sitting around now lamenting that you hadn't done anything interesting with your life. I could have stayed with the paper company and retired with a good retirement program or, even later, I might have remained with the college, since no one ever gets fired from a state college, and retired from there. But no, I got bored doing what I was doing and wanted to try something more interesting. So now, I still work at 71 and hope that my job continues for a long while yet. Otherwise, the way I calculate it, I could survive on my Social Security alone, but it wouldn't be so easy. Either way, sitting around worrying about it isn't going to help one bit. It was my choice and I can't do it over, so I may as well appreciate the fact that I have lived my life doing things that I enjoyed doing.
This is an excellent viewpoint, @Ken Anderson . I also grumble because of the $500 SS pension; but it was because i chose to get married, have children, and stay home to raise them. Until my children were grown and I was divorced, I never had any kind of work that would give me social security. I expected to share my ex-husband’s SS pension and IBEW retirement pension ; so I didn’t really even think about that I was not getting anything for retirement for only myself. Then, I didn’t have any skills , so mostly worked low-paying jobs or commission ones. Not the best way to plan for retirement; but it kept me alive. Given the choice, I would still do the same thing over again, and be able to have the wonderful memories of being with my children in the years when they were growing up. Since we have been hearing about possible food shortages, and rising cost of living for quite a while now, I have been trying to save what money I can, as well as stock up on storable food, things that are easy to cook, and that we would eat. If the economy crashes, most people are going to be in some kind of crisis, but all we can do is plan for what we are able to do.
If the economy crashes and S/S stops I will just be SOL. Those things that happen in this life that carry us one way or another have mostly gone in the wrong direction for me and that's all I have at this point.
Oh, perhaps you missed several of my posts. I did one heck of a lot of extremely interesting things with my life. (see my posts on page 3). Not too many people can say they experienced what I have done. As far as worrying is concerned, I do what I can to keep my mind busy with things totally unrelated to SS payments. Mostly, i read a great deal, play chess against the computer, watch things on Netflix (I especially love Star Trek: the next generation, and watch movies from my extensive collection. Of course I also do a great deal of cooking. Back in the day, I bought a run down house and completely renovated it by myself , then sold it for a tidy profit, which financed my around the world journey.
I once had the same dream @Richard Whiting but I found a good woman and settled down to 6 children. She saved me from a fate similar to yours I suspect. I still have the wanderlust, however.
But realize that that is exactly how most of the people in the world live. We seldom struggle for survival or watch our children starve.
The only option for me, if we don't get a June SS payment is to get myself across the border and get into some sort of homeless shelter. I have wracked my brain trying to come up with any other option/plan, but I just can't come up with one.
I just read an article on the news. An analyst for Forbes, said that "June SS payments for JUNE will likely go out, on time, BUT unless the lawmakers don't solve the debt crisis by the end of June, JULY payments will be delayed.
I think Ken was acknowledging the path you took. The point is that some folks do the things that you have done, knowing that future sacrifices might have to be made, and some do otherwise and still have no guarantees. Retirement programs and pensions go belly-up (or there's fraud) all the time. I have a 401k account and there's always the threat that the Fed will confiscate those accounts because whoever has one is "privileged." So in some cases, all the sacrifices and all the good times one has passed up are for naught. It almost happened to my mother when she retired from Sears. Sears had a pension plan. You could cash out, or you could stay in the plan. She cashed out. Sears' plan later went belly-up, so anyone still in it was screwed...and they have none of your travel experiences to look back on that they traded for their current was "done to them." My father also worked for a retail company his entire life that had a retirement plan. He died before he hit retirement age, but that company, too, went out of business. One never knows. There are no guarantees.
The same old cycle. They give us a taste of fear so we know what it's like, we get short-term relief, then there's a "definite crisis" on the horizon, so call your [Republican] representative and tell him to cave on the entire Federal budget, 'cause the government is gonna screw you if you don't. I've witnessed this many times in my life, and I'm almost 10 years younger than you. I guess there's a difference between seeing it be done to others, and the reality of having the blindfold on and the cigarette in your mouth as you feel the cold stone wall against your back hearing the sound of rifles being loaded.
Exactly! They are trying to put pressure on McCarthy to folds to Biden (or whoever) and Schumer so the Ponzi scheme that is Federal spending can continue to the benefit of the elite.
Sorry you feel that way. I'm doing my best to not think about potential problems with SS. As I said before, I am pretty much confined to my apt due to health reasons and keeping my mind busy with other thoughts is not easy. Gee wiz, all I was doing was reading the newspaper.