Some discussions would be boring if everyone agreed. As long as disagreements are made with respect on all sides, that shouldn't be a problem.
Well some things like politics get very heated and it is usually best not to comment on them when you have a divergence of opinion. That is one of the topics that not too many people can stay completely civil on when their viewpoint is challenged. I have learned that from spending quite a bit time online. Even though we all would like to be open minded, few of us truly are. There are a few other topics like that. I would agree with you in an ideal world would be nice if everyone could "play nicely."
I hadn't been on any forums in such along time, in fact I was without a computer. This is just personal preference, but I hate working Windows. And sent my computer to NM for Pip to have it changed over to Linux system. It hasn't been very long since I've tried out the forums. The first one in their ad mentioned how friendly it was blah blah. I did meet some nice people, (feathered friends). All my comments were was on crocheting and jigsaw puzzles. But had an awful time posting pictures, and removing messages that was shown double. I asked how to delete, and got this long explanation. Then all of my messages were saved on my e-mail. Big deal I didn't want that. Since Pip's been home I had him look at this crazy forum. He said, where do you delete? He's mumbling, this isn't necessary, neither is this, and last remark change forums. That forum, I don't think they kicked you out, they just ignored you. It sure wasn't some hot and heavy debate. I've enjoyed it here so much. It's like having friends on a picnic every day. And your's truly, "Quaky Moto" loves picnics.
Ha ha, @Marilyn Pahl....I think I know what forum you are talking about and you are very lucky that you left on your own terms....most of us were banned from that forum. I can honestly say now after reading the garbage on there lately....they did me a favor. It is not a friendly forum at all.
Hmm, I am wondering what forum it is and if I know it. There are a few chats that advertise themselves as friendly that are quite clicky. Anyway, I think it is best not to invest too much time in any one location because there are generally one or two personality types that are kind of hard to get along with or who rub you the wrong way. It also helpfu; to remember that not everyone is going to like you, and its Ok if they don't.
Unless yove had a diffrent username, I've never seen you on there, @K E Gordon. It's a fairly big seniors forum and used to be good a few years ago but it's gone downhill. Nothing on there but politics these days and all liberal, most of the conservatives have left.
I think I told you why I left the other forum.. I had wished all my Jewish friends a very "Happy Jewish New Year"... I was told that, that nonsense wasn't acceptable on there and to please stop that... I left the forum...............
@Steve North You were on that forum? Then you will recognize the name "matrix". His real name, presumably, is Kevin Pang. At least that is what his threatening emails sent to me said. He was provoked because I had used the phrase "Oriental", as were many other A.H.s there. I got into it with him. He realized that even though I enjoyed a popular status among members, his image was about to be tarnished, and he kicked me out. I was devastated, as I had believed in all those admiring likes and PMs praising me. When it came down to brass tacks, after I had posted my email ID, requesting commiseration with anyone interested, he canned me. His email Id username is Kevin Pang. Get the connection? Pissed off enough to kick out a member others told me they enjoyed. How earnest were most of them? Forget it. Dedicated to Mr. Matrix, led as though sheep. This sort of thing I have encountered throughout life. Friends, co-workers, even relatives associated with "the brass" along with me, sided with the brass, no matter what. I called it chicken-shit attitudes then. Today I have stronger words, reserved for other's ears. Frank
Yes... Him along with 2 others had told me to stop the Jewish thing.. It wasn't accepted on here, they said...
@Steve North Ahh, well now....would you now, having revealed this, be willing to PM me such that I might know if you were among my cherished friends there? It was devastating to my personal integrity to learn most really didn't give a sh!t. I have heard from, since then, only a very few. It may be possible you were one of the members upon which I really counted....Frank
I was on there using the name of Steve.... Same as on here... It is my real name and I use it on all the forums I go on... Here a 2nd name is required, so I used North as I live up north...
@Frank Sanoica , I never had problems with Matrix, it was the mod that hated me. At first everybody thought she was great but read her now and you will see she runs the show and sides with the bullies and cliques. I always joined with an alias when she was away on a trip, matrix never banned me even when I would PM him who I was. The minute she came back, I was banned, lol. Also, when I first joined that forum always had at least 28 posting members on at all hours and at least 1,000 guests. Now the most is about 13 and guests about 230....big difference.
Ever think maybe Matrix and the Mod are the same person? when ever I had a question for Matrix it was always the mod who answered my questions..
A long time back I was on City Data Forum and when seeing the name Matrix sounded familiar. At that time it was a joke and I left it. We had an interesting hobby forum, but to many that had no interest in what we were discussing would gate crash the thread. We had to wade through so much nonsense to get to our hobby friends it wasn't worth. Then told by the mod that the hobby forum isn't active as other topics and these people could post whatever topic they wanted on it.