Happiness to me is choosing to find joy, love, and peace (contentment) in every moment of my life no matter what may be happening all around me.
It's definitely nice to choose that way, but many people today just can't do that. Family problems, job problems, health problems, financial problems, etc., etc.. As for me, I love all three of those things, but in reality...……..
In reality you can choose the way you are going to react to the things that happen in your life Cody.
I think that happiness is not something that you have, or can buy or own, it comes mostly from our attitude about life. No matter what, there will always be days that bring us joy and days that bring us tears, or anger and frustration; but those are just emotions we work our way through, and not our overall happiness with life. Here is a quote that does a good job of expressing how I feel about what happiness is: Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude. Dennis Waitley
I think that happiness can be bought by giving. The pleasure you experience seeing somebodies face light up when you give them a present can be more self satisfaction. Would you feel the same glow if they ignored your generosity? I am probably a grumpy old cynic not worthy of happiness.
A moment ago I bumped into a thread by @Patsy Faye called, “Patsey Fayegun”. She was having a giggle all by herself and having a good time. She could have kept it all to herself but instead she shared the giggles which in turn, made me happy for her. In short, happiness can be shared and is quite contagious and should be practiced as much as possible by all of us. That’s one heckova gift @Patsey Faye! Funny, I didn’t know what to write when I read her thread but I guess I did.......
Happiness isn't something that just falls into your lap like a present from Santa's bag. You have to work for happiness and realize that a little bit of sour makes the sweet much sweeter.
Love your quote @Mary Robi Its true, with life as it is - we have to look for the good to lift our spirit and have a laugh along the way I make meself laugh everyday !
Happiness has a lot of faces. For me at this almost 81 yrs, contentment and acceptance work for me. And enjoying pain is not what I do, but accept more that I won't be pain free and with advanced aging and OA, more pain. So I live with it and understand where I am...don't have any desire to seek more stronger and harder pain meds...no way. My two good friends and they are a little younger than me have come down with arthritic issues and now dealing with this issue whereas I have been for many years...but we do laugh. And often I read a comment on the forums which come across to me as outlandish, and give me a laugh. So all is not lost.