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Discussion in 'Games & Riddles' started by Patsy Faye, Sep 23, 2016.
Banks bombarded by bananas by Baboons
Creepy crunchy cheese crackers caused chaos D
Daffy Duck didn't dwaddle during dinner. Y K T E G R
Earthquake Exposed Egyptian Electric Earmuffs F
Friendly fire freaked Frightened Firemen.. G
Grilled gibbons get given gravy H
Horrified Hobo's hip-hopped home hollering ..Help! I
Invisible ice identified in Iceland J
Jury jokes jubilated the Judge In the... "Jury verses the Judge Conviction..." K
Kuddly Koala Kept kissing Kangaroos L
Louise Lawson left lawnmower... leaving leaf litter location locally . M
Mad Mike Makes Melon Mash
Nukes nearly never need ninety nightly numbers. O
Odd octagonal oysters observed over Okinawa P
Patsy and Paul Play Pranks on the Police Q/R