Today, for decades of life observing others, it has been so 'strange' at first to see people celebrating in total sin, happy and 'positive' living in full wickedness, while their lives and families and health is on the road to being destroyed, sometimes little by little, sometimes great big steps. Without the disciplined training and hardship of learning what is right and good, when they are "free" from the rules (they think) , free to do whatever they think to themselves (and are told by others) is "okay"... they party every week, flowing wine, drugs, gambling, women, party after party, seemingly undisturbed as if unaffected by the sinking of the unsinkable life/ship/on earth.... or not caring how it ends ?! Grief and Sorrow is necessary part of life, whenever someone learns the truth - it is painful, always, unless they remain in denial, oblivious (willingly or not) to the utter destruction coming . The One Way To Life, ignored or denied by most religious and most irreligious people, most people on earth.
OK, now that this discussion has taken a pause in tension, allow me to interject a delayed response to Jeff's inquiry from me. No Jeff, I wasn't judging whether you argue or not since I haven't followed enough of your threads to know. I was moreso explaining my own tactics of wanting to influence others where I can while avoiding unproductive arguments. Most of your discourses are too complex or strange for me to understand, but I like to offer consiliatory agreement to anyone that shares common ground on an issue that I feel passionate about. The brainwashing of evolution just happens to be my speciality, but I can't judge the medical accusations you make because I plum don't know.
I once was young and did not know also. It was not alternative nor other types or kinds of practices that told me, showed me, taught me about the medical deceptions. (No accusations involved, by the way. No allegations either . ) The medical personnel themselves - the teachers, the doctors, the passers out of drugs (Rx), the nurses, the representatives, all in the medical practice, teaching or occupation, or making sales there-of, showed me, taught me, instructed me themselves .. they did not show any shame, any remorse, any conscience while practicing the medical protocols, no, not at all. Everyone of them I asked simply and at once confided in me that they were in it for the money, no matter it caused harm daily as practiced. Perhaps many, or most, of them, were given over to actually believe their own delusions as if they were okay so to do. I don't know if they "started" on the good side, then went bad, or if they were simply greedy all along, and stupid. (to go along with the sinfulness, the wickednesses, of the medical protocol/ system.) I did not give in to their bribes, their offers, their directions to "go along" for the money / the system they wholly supported and defended. I did not and do not want any part of that system that required and requires lying all the time, every way, every day. Others do want that , that system, that way. The official way. the so-called 'professional' way. That's their sorrow, and death. It may be worse for them that they make converts, they convince others who might have escaped , to be part of the system, and thus make it worse for more. Those who escape the system - the system taught most u.s. citizens from conception, birth, infants, toddlers, teens, and young adults and all the way to old age - those who escape the system of evil are few and perhaps far away or far between... it is not an easy task to 'find' .... the system is so totally corrupt.