@Marie Mallery ..Thanks for inquiring! When I first opened, in August of 2015....at Yvonne's suggestion, we were the "High-Goodbye Coffee" shop. It was a place to say "Hi", or if we would be gone for awhile...a place to say "Bye". It was run as a real business and had a running "day by day" account of what was going on. Much later, we changed our name to "Main Street Coffee" and remain so to this very day, at the Corner of "Walk & Don't Walk". Somewhere in-between we became the "Half-Way Cafe" when we found a used sign with that name, attached to a used building. . Let's just say we've been around the block. (That's ME standing out front!) Feel free to go back and read some early posts, for the exciting details. At each location, we always left the key under the mat, so customers could get their own coffee when we were closed. A real family crowd. About 5 months ago we lost the extra key and I just haven't had time to get another one made....even though the invitation remains written on the back of our Menu. Until I can get a key made, I just removed the mat as a temporary solution. Emil, over at "Town Hardware", charges an arm and a leg to cut a key, and half of them don't work....so....
@Marie Mallery Just after you joined SOC Forums, my Wife & I were attending the National Donut Convention (August 2021)! You may have missed it and can revisit the Hi-lights and Low-Lights found, beginning at Post #8738! p.s. - We have learned to pack light for these outings and take only the essentials.