It's been a busy morning, a bus load of Teddy Bears stopped by for coffee, on the way to the Teddy Convention in the next town! For a bunch of bears,they behaved pretty well! They left, stuffed with donuts!
Have you ever heard of the gent by the name of Chris Columbus? "It seem that Chris was a good Chap who did not sail without a rhyme or reason. So we all know the rhyme,” In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue”, but what you don’t know is that this journey wasn’t about new trade routes. This was a treasure hunt. Yeah!! A treasure hunt kicked off by a cup of coffee, right THIS table!" "Columbus and his boys were going over a map, plotting their next adventure. But the map kept rolling back on itself, so he used his mug to hold down a portion of it. Little did Columbus know this would be the moment that everything would change in his life." (fadeout) "These were superstitious times, and “signs” were commonly used to make decisions. In the case of Columbus his sign to travel across the sea was set in stone by a coffee cup ring left on his map by his very own mug. This ring would later become known as the Ring to Rule Them All." (Yep, JR Tolken knew the real story) "They didn’t know why, and let’s be honest, they didn’t care where the ring was going to take them Columbus and crew simply knew they had to go." (Marilyn was filming a movie and couldn't join them) After doing his sales thing with the Queen, Columbus and crew were ready to hit the high seas. With adventure in the air, cash in their pockets and the fleet of Spain at their disposal, Columbus and the Ringlets raised anchor and began the journey. -Joe