Good morning you two! Chrissy you look Hot! Literally! And what an adorable "Pickles". I brought some owl cookies to share. Let me scroll back and catch up on all the fun...
Thanks Chrissy! The puzzle is just like a where's Waldo pic but no Waldo this time. Joe, can you post just the two items by themselves so people will know what they are looking for? Then they can try to find them at their leisure but no one will post their answers until the end of the day so everyone has a chance to look. You did a great job hiding them!
Sounds good Chrissy. And people might be wondering where the restrooms are. So I brought this sign to put up...should make it perfectly clear haha
I can't decide which costume to use from the ones I have. As soon as I do I'll post it. I like them all equally. Hmm.
Did Sacheen get her costume okay? If you know of anyone who needs a costume I can help find them one. Check out my post in "Laughing Out Loud". There are 26 pics from Pinterest that are failed goodies recipes. So funny how recipe pictures look so easy and delicious but don't turn out anything like it when you DIY
Lol, Ive seen those pinterest fails...too funny! Yes, Sacheen will have a costume...Terry is working on hers and is done I think! Also, hard to pick one costume, so many good ones to choose real one I have is kind of sexy so didnt want to post and the ones I have of Pickles I couldnt I just decided to personalize my avatar...actually Terry did that for me... As for Pickles, he does have that costume in his wardrobe..just wouldnt wear it!
Oh I see the flames now on your avatar and the little red devil horns haha…Terry did a good job! Looks awesome! Is Terry going to join in with the party later do you think? I have one that's sexy, one that's sweet, and one that is scary and pretty at the same time. Well….hmm
OK, we've ironed the bugs out, and here is our HALLOWEEN PICTURE PUZZLE: "WHERE'S JACK-O?". you may search at your leisure, for the three items, we have hidden among the "Halloween yard sale" picture, and so everyone has a chance to enjoy the fun, NO SPOILER POSTS, PLEASE! Later in the day, we will reveal their locations, and see how many were successful. Don't forget to take a flashlight! Here are the items we will be searching for in our "Where's Jack-O Halloween Picture Puzzle". Happy Haunting! when and where do we post our answers? Also...having troubling seeing the first item, even when I stretch the pic...not sure what it is. Thanks for all your hard work, not easy doing online things like this on a forum.