@Ken Anderson, OMG, what's going on under that crawl space, let's hope he's the only one coming out. That's a scary image. If that was you Ken, and you didn't clean up before picking up that poor little kitty, I'm surprised Ella didn't scratch you.
I think Joe deserves a prize for the best running commentary on our costumes and ive enjoyed his play on words immensely! Good job, Joe!
Ok everyone…time to post your results for the Hidden Puzzle!!! Did you find all three? How many winners do we have? Let us know
But I know most of you are later than I am, so go ahead without me......I cant even find the puzzle right now.
The time is almost up on the "Where's Jack-O" Puzzle Picture! So if you have studied it, start posting, about your results! Let us know NOW! The items are below picture.
*************************************** We now have a winner (see below) but the puzzle will remain posted here all night so you can play for fun You are looking for 3 items: Jack-O…Skeleton Key….Whistle How many have you found? ***************************************
While you are tripping over the creepy clutter, think about, should we have another Picture Puzzle, for tomorrow? Ina, volunteered to find another one!... but let us know, and we will try to oblige.