It's 88°F and windy as heck. I have had to clean debris out of the pool a couple of times this morning. We finally have some rain in the forecast for the next couple of days; it has been a very dry fall so far.
It is 78 here and sunny. I was outside in the zero gravity recliner soaking up some goo vitamin D for well over a half hour, and it was nice to still be able to do that at almost November. I am sure that it will be too cold to go out and sunbathe before much longer, but i am going to try and get out there on sunny days as much as I am able to do that. Do you have many birds that overwinter there in Alaska, @Don Alaska ? I was thinking about how many birds go south even from here in Alabama, and wondered if you have some that can brave the really cold weather that far north.
We have chickadees and nuthatches that over winter, as well as ravens and magpies. Bald eagles stick around sometimes if there is open water but not inland like here.
We don't either @Marie Mallery. We have a long driveway through the woods. Nobody wants to come back here unless they know us. It is always dark at this time of year as well.
This time of the year here it sounds like a shooting range, when I first moved here I called the cops to one of them shooting up into drive way. He just spit out his wad of chew at my feet and said " a man has the right get his aim". [Thanks Elmer, I mean, officer.] The cop really said and did this. Veit Nam vet here said all the gunfire here brought back flashbacks of the war.
We have gunfire around too @Marie Mallery but I don't get concerned unless I hear rifle fire. Shotguns and hand guns don't bother me much, nor does small-caliber rifle fire.
Although it's that time of year for deer, we hear more of it, but some seem to be using grenade's now and then. And shotguns are often used. Weather said we are going to have summer type weather here thru October, into November. Yesterday was 86.
Here they come in cars, vans, trailers... from I don't know where. there are a few subdivisions out here in rural America and it is kind of a safe place to dump a load of kids to trick or treat.
Finally, rain, it hasn't rained here since the Hurricanes. We were really dry and in danger of wildfires. Guess what? Can you guess?
Winter has returned after a several-day-long thaw. There is still about 4 inches of snow on the ground and it was +3 F. this morning so things are back to normal for this time of year. Clear and sunny as well. We were expected to get a couple more inches of snow last evening but it didn't materialize.