We had some weird violent thunderstorm go through yesterday. I was on the phone and could not hear the other person because the rain was hitting the roof so hard and the thunder was right on top of me. And we had marble-sized hail!!!! I've not seen that much hail in literally decades. The storm only lasted 15 minutes or so. Someone on Next Door posted pics of the clouds: Another member from Kansas said that are mammatus clouds, which occur in unstable air. We're expecting 4.5" of snow on Monday.
It is cold out at 23 degrees and the skies are gray again. The weather guessers are predicting a winter storm warning for us starting on Sunday with all the elements; rain, freezing rain, sleet, and then lots of snow.
I love horefrost on the branches all around. But I hate when my fingers hurt from the cold cuz I forgot to get 'Hot Hands'. and when my nose runs and my paper towel is in an inside pocket.
-13 F. this morning and the high is -7 F. Does that make you feel better @Mary Stetler? Beautiful aurora night before last.
I watch this woman now and then, the northern lights and midnight sun in Sweden is amazing. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/IP6dvOvgjvo?feature=share
The Midnight Sun is just a phrase relating to having the Sun still up at midnight. We certainly have that here in June and July. There is a baseball game played in Fairbanks every year on the summer solstice or the 4th of July that starts at midnight and is played without any artificial lighting at all. We watched newcomers move iin when we lived in the Bush from elsewhere who had trained their children to come home at dark or when the street lights come on. Problem was the kids were still out playing at 2 AM and the street lights hadn't yet come on.
From my yard several years ago: I was a little late for work, but has to take these pics before it was gone.
At 4:15 a.m. EST it's snowing very lightly now at 32 degrees. Expected to last until this afternoon. The first snow of 2025.
For the past few days, "they" have been calling for snow from Sunday night into Monday afternoon. It started off at 3"total. At 9 this morning the forecast had been upgraded to 7". Now they're calling for 8 1/2" with nighttime temps after that below 10°F. I got nowhere to go, but this doesn't happen here but every few years, and it's often trouble. Last time we got measurable snow like this was January of 2022. 10 years before that we may have had 6" or so, and then nothing of significance in between. In 2022 we were blocked in for days because of the fallen trees across the entire length of our right-of-way. The trees took out so many power lines that something like 95% of the county was without power for many days. Those of us down here in the holler had power the entire time.
Good luck @John Brunner. The wind has picked up here so the temperature is rising as the wind chill falls.