I forgot. The "required for our brain" concern was that they thought statins might contribute to dementia because they keep cholesterol levels so low. My mother had dementia and was on statins, FWIW.
The information I have seen online of charts from tests and profiles of this show that people with high cholesterol are no more likely to have a heart attack or stroke than people with low cholesterol. And they are more likely to get dementia with low cholesterol, since the brain requires it, so I definitely do not see a benefit for taking any kind of statins.
Statins were developed as anti-inflammatories, so you may get the benefits of that from taking statins. I have always thought that the reduction in cardiac deaths while taking statin drugs were probably due to that. Aspirin could do the same thing. Most anti-inflammatories actually INCREASE the risk of cardiac death; statins and aspirin appear to be the exceptions. Statins Do, however, cause other things. I have mentioned rhabdomyolysis before, almost non-existent prior to the introduction of statins, and those on statins, while they have a slightly lower death rate from cardiac issues, have a higher all-cause death rate.