We have a thread here that Hedi started regarding people asking for handouts and how we've responded...for the life of me I can't find it. I fall in the middle.
Don I'm a hypocrite meat eater, because I can't raise a animal then kill it, I get too attached, or I am not that hungry yet I guess I should say. I admire those who can and also realize animals kill to eat all the time,
I remember a son who was in 4-H and who raised a meat animal for the auction. He worked with the animal all summer, then, after it went to auction, he sat and cried for the remainder of the day. He was quite young at the time and later learned that you don't treat animals that are to go to slaughter as pets.
I just recently purchased a box of K-Cup coffee PODS made by Lidl. I open the box today and to my surprise the individual K-Cups are not marked with the name of the coffee, in this case it's donut shop. I don't know if this was a mistake or if it's a new policy not to Mark the coffee, they are marked so you can identify them when they're in there tray or holder. New cut backs?
Not sure when this thread went so far off the topic (price of hamburger), but I was searching for a thread about that, so here we are again….. I am surprised that hamburger seems to have had a price drop, at least in our area. I remember back when I was grumbling because the price was up to $3 a lb, and then it went way past that, so now, the $3 lb hamburger is a great bargain, and that is what Walmart has priced it at since around Christmas, in the large 5 lb chubs, and the 10 lb ones are even cheaper. We buy the 5 lb chubs of hamburger, then divide it up and freeze part of it. Many people are now buying the cheapest kind because it has more fat (tallow) in it and less water. Bobby explained to me that they have to add flavoring to the ground beef that has almost no fat, because it has also lost most of the flavor, so it has a brine mixed in with it. We use the tallow for cooking other foods that need some kind of grease/oil to cook, and we also add it in for the dogs and cats on their dry food, so none of it is wasted. I was reading what a nutritionist wrote on X this morning, and he explained that hamburger is actually one of the best meats to buy, healthwise. It is ground up with all of the fat anf ligaments, and sometimes the organ meat (heart, etc), so it has a lot of good collagen in it, and it is easy for just about anyone to be able to chew, which some meats are not easy, especially for older people who might have dentures that do not fit well. I have also been buying the neck bones and rib bones, since they have the minerals in the bones as well as the collagen, and then I just cook them all day in the slow cooker so they are very tender. We are also going to try and eat more liver this year, since it has a lot of good vitamins and minerals in it, even though it does not have any fat to speak of.
@Yvonne Smith Are you saying that you reserve the fat from burger and use it to cook with, much as the rest of us do with bacon fat? I've never heard of that. Do you reserve the fat (and use it later for cooking human food) even if you've added onions or other stuff to the burger while cooking it down? I do agree that fat adds flavor. Most "recipes" recommend using 80/20 for making burgers. I've made my own burger using the grinding attachment on my stand mixer. I would trim the fat off of the chuck and grind it separately to evenly distribute with the beef for a final grind/mix. There was never enough fat. I forget what I used to increase the fat content. Likely some combination of lard and ghee. All I know is fresh is best...it makes some good burgers.
All the market indicators show that beef prices will skyrocket, so if it is cheap for you now, stash it for the future. Beef imports have lowed or stopped and domestic herds are at the lowest they have been since the 1960s when we had fewer beef eaters in the country.
We canned some meat several years ago, it was really tender and tasted good . But it cost a lot of money to buy enough meat to make it worthwhile. it was chuck roast on sale for $2.49lb. It still cost about 4300.00. So that hasn't happened since the price went so high. Also, isn't home canned meat shelf life only a year?
Depends on what you want. Home-canned meat should be good for far longer then that. The published expiration dates on most commercially-canned meat and other things are really only suggestions. I don't think saving it for longer would be at all unsafe, but the nutritional value drops over time and it may not contain as many nutrients after a year...but it is better than starving.
Good ,I thought home canned meat only last a year, glad to know I was wrong. Somebody is shooting shotguns here now, Loud so must be nearby. while I was typing this dog just clawed at door and scared the heck out of me.
I was just filling out my grocery order to pick up tomorrow. I got a 5 lb package of 80/20 ground chuck for $21.15, so that's $4.23 a pound. I think that's pretty much the same for the past several weeks. A dozen extra-large grade AA cage-free eggs is $5.39, 5 pounds of russet potatoes is $2.68 and a gallon of whole milk (store brand) is $3.50. I haven't seen any prices dropping at all in our area.