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I Spoke Too Soon

Discussion in 'Health & Wellness' started by Frank Sanoica, Mar 9, 2017.

  1. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    I'll get stronger in time since I'm eating better now and feeling better.
    Babs Hunt and Patsy Faye like this.
  2. Frank Sanoica

    Frank Sanoica Supreme Member

    Feb 21, 2016
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    @Cody Fousnaugh @Shirley Martin
    Surprised, this morning my lungs seem clear. My wife is now at the point of it where I was 2 days ago. Her fever has subsided; I never got one. My older nephew is flying in on a Hotel-subsidized flight from Topeka, Kansas, non-refundable fare. The other lives here in Flagstaff, 180 miles east of us. Right now, it appears we should both be "good to go" by late Sunday, when they are expected.

    My wife, ever-interested in accomodating, is right now rummaging about in the pantry, immediately beyond the wall behind the computer nook here in the kitchen. She is intent on the whole place appearing presentable. Both nephews are living within extremely unhappy marital situations, and I expect our mutual get-together will be taken advantage of, to hash things over. I shan't go into their problems here, but safe to say, they are crudely "unique".
    Babs Hunt and Chrissy Cross like this.
  3. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    You should be past the contagious stage by then hopefully....just spray a lot if disinfectant and be careful around them....should be okay.
  4. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    I think you better ask @Yvonne Smith about health tonics....she seems to be our expert on natural remedies for so many health issues. As for myself, half the time I forget to take my regular vitamins! :D
    Chrissy Cross likes this.
  5. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    You see @Frank Sanoica our prayers and get well wishes for you and your wife are working already! ;) Enjoy your time with your Nephews...everything will work out.
    Yvonne Smith and Chrissy Cross like this.
  6. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    Have some of this @Chrissy Cross. You too @Frank Sanoica :)
    Frank Sanoica and Yvonne Smith like this.
  7. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    I bought bananas and also some fruit infused water...drinking the one with orange slices and mint now.

    They weren't too bad...3 for $5....suppose I could have made my own. I used to, have an infused bottle.
  8. Doc James

    Doc James Veteran Member

    Feb 8, 2017
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    if its a cough with a lot of sputum and is associated with fever. It make be pnemonia. Its better if you go see your specialist in order to stat on antibiotics. At our age, a little cough could sometimes be serious. If it is pinkish, it already be blood-streaked due to the abrasions on you throat area due to too much hacking
    Frank Sanoica likes this.
  9. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Frank, you and your wife just be careful just how much "dumping" your nephews put on you about their marriages. The younger generation sometimes doesn't understand that, at our age, too much "dumping" of problems can affect our health. It's ok for you two to discuss their problems with you, but.
    Frank Sanoica likes this.
  10. Frank Sanoica

    Frank Sanoica Supreme Member

    Feb 21, 2016
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    Finally talked to the "younger" nephew, Mike (65), in Flagstaff, this evening. He was non-commital, beyond committing to coming here, (180 miles), tomorrow. The deal we had pre-arranged was, he & I would subsidize the other nephew's flight here (Dan 69), from Kansas. When Dan made the reservations a month ago, bending to urging from me, at which time I alluded to the fact Mike & I were helping out, I asked him if he needed dough up front; how had he covered the tickets? Credit card, won't need payment for a month.

    Different circumstance now; asked Mike tonight was he planning to hand Dan 1/2 the fare here, and I could do likewise? Hemmed and hawed, asked for confidentiality. Mike sent Dan 2-1/2 months mortgage payment amount 3 weeks ago, he was 2 months behind in payments. This, folks, is the guy I grew up with as a brother, never late in his life on a payment, never a deadbeat. Back in 1999, telling me about his new lady friend, he said, "Frank, she's dirt poor". My wife now says, "Not anymore, thanks to Dan". She has spent him into one bankruptcy 10 years ago, finances her children's by previous marriages frivolities (daughter's "butt-lift" surgery!), at Dan's expense; he explains it away as "she's generous to a fault".

    The old uncle has always been the sounding board. 2 years ago, Dan came out, poured out his heart to me (and Mike), then returned to Kansas, resolute that he would change their state of affairs. I guess it didn't happen. So, tomorrow, the get-together I had hoped would be more "family love" and less embroiling of personal hardship, will be more of the same, likely worse than the last, I hope I can hold my temper, and mouth. I'll sign back in after the smoke clears.........
  11. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    I've only had the flu once and it lasted longer than that. I'm glad you're getting over it, Frank.
  12. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    I'm glad he's better also, but maybe he didn't have the flu!

    There are many times I'll feel sick for one day and think I'm coming down with something but then I don't. Times I wake up with a sore throat and it's gone in a few hours.
  13. Frank Sanoica

    Frank Sanoica Supreme Member

    Feb 21, 2016
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    Wednesday night, the nephews have left us at home, returned to the Riverside Hotel for the last night here, Dan's flight back to Kansas is in the morning, Mike will drive back home to Flagstaff.

    Problems resolved after much deep discussion, last night, out on our patio, allowing my wife to retire in peace: Dan's wife has possession of 3 maxed-out credit cards, he had revealed to Mike he was 2 months in arrears on the home mortgage a month ago, and Mike mailed him $2500 unbeknownst to his own wife. I slipped Dan two-hundred bucks, half the airline fare, as agreed upon. He was visibly distraught last night, talking about possible divorce (his best option in our opinion), and is considering looking for part-time work, a fantasy since his back is so painful he must sit down every hour or so for awhile. I know I was decidedly harsh "on his case", regretting that some today in retrospect, too late. He sought advice, though, and he got it.

    Mike called his wife in Flagstaff this evening, and she "read him the Riot Act", as Dan described it. They both greatly enjoyed a surprise meal today prepared by my wife while we three were away inspecting the new solar power plant nearby. Old-fashioned roast pork, dumplings, sauerkraut, and gravy, Czech-style. They thanked her appreciatively. My "little nephews", 65 and 69 years old......I feel at the same time both gratified and painfully aware of their leaving here to go home to unhappy, unforgiving circumstances.

    I did what I could.
    Ken Anderson and Yvonne Smith like this.
  14. Von Jones

    Von Jones Supreme Member

    Jan 25, 2015
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    @Frank Sanoica I always get a warm and fuzzy feeling to hear that 'I did what I could.' I'm sure your nephews returned home knowing that their uncle was there for them.
    Yvonne Smith and Patsy Faye like this.
  15. Frank Sanoica

    Frank Sanoica Supreme Member

    Feb 21, 2016
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    @Von Jones
    I cannot express how much I appreciate your comment. Melancholy now to the "nth." degree, I have managed to speak to both nephews today from afar, of course. 11 hours after Dan's having left the hotel for the airport, leaving Mike dozing in the room, Dan was snoozing at home. Mike, who had left the hotel at around 1PM, driving to Flagstaff, called at 7PM as he was fulfilling his wife's request to stop at some food places. 2 hours are in limbo during his drive back. His wife will likely deeply question that. (He was asleep in his car in Kingman, 35 miles out enroute).

    I love them both deeply, of course. Their choices of spouse are beyond my scope of understanding. I am, to them both, undoubtedly the "Old Bastard Uncle" interfering with their ability to control both nephews' lives.

    Such is how I see it. My wife is in agreement. Few level-headed folk looking at the facts here could possibly disagree. I will be sorely missing both my
    nephews during coming weeks/months. Their presence here for almost a week felt almost like a return to our childhood associations.

    Happy St. Patrick's Day wishes to all!


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