I don't know a lot about Hungary, but I did like hearing their Prime Minister in an interview with Tucker Carlson. I might move there if I was able, and was surprised to see how many American have dual citizenship (don't know where I saw that article now, just read it somewhere). Here's the video if anyone is interested, I really think I'd feel safer there than here the way things are going:
Seems Poland is trying to fight off being invaded and changed into NWO utopias too,I don't see them winning though. Soon whoever is running things will be in power the whole world over.
I guess we have another option if we rob our piggy-banks, next flight to Mars I think that's Bezos plan. Atleast we'd have Amazon, lol!!
I may go visit Marie Laveau in the swamps. If the sugar beet farmer doesn't finish them off too. Florida is getting wild,monkeys,anaconda ,giant lizards,etc,etc,etc,.Heck we even brought back the buffolo and wild horse.
Although I would give it some more thought before doing anything about it, I think I might like to live in one of the Channel Islands for awhile, at least.