finally set dates for trip to PA..'W'll leaave here on Apr 22nd and return onth3 24th. vi sit with 3rdsson and hopefully his son and grandson
We have a car rental set up for a week, three different hotel reservations made for three different areas we will be going to. Most likely, we will get the second Booster Vaccine around the middle of May. Just want to make sure we are protected. And, some new masks with us, just in case we want to wear one. With our Wrangler jeans on, Ariat Hiking Boots/Shoes on, Resistol Straw Hats on the old heads and luggage in-tow, we will be off and running.
My brother in PA wants us to come for a visit this summer. We cannot travel until mid-summer at the earliest. Wife heard a rumor from one of her clients who should be in the know that the masks in airports and on most planes are going away soon. We'll see if that is correct. I want to travel by train whenever the masks are removed, but won't ride the rails with a mask.
Have a great trip Al and post once in a while. Maybe a few photos. I am unable to do much traveling very far from home, so I vacation vicariously with others. So wonderful that you can still drive. Enjoy!
YAY!! Have a safe trip, buddy. It looks like east coast weather's gonna make for nice driving through the weekend.