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Importance Of A Healthy Diet

Discussion in 'Diets & Dieting' started by Jeff Elohim, Jan 29, 2021.

  1. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    So then, did they answer ?

    Or are you seeking the answer to "why?" still ?
  2. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    Did not anyone catch the mis-information here ?

    See, 'cholesterol' is necessary for life... I think our bodies make cholesterol when or as needed in fact.... (subject to verification/ due to memory)....

    The Russian Studies before 1930 or 1950 were mis-used in usa in order to make profits. It had nothing at all to do with reality.

    Now, today, over a half century later, even though the research and evidence and truth was published and known and proven,

    those who are profiting from the false info continue to promote it, and to greatly profit from it.

    Getting back 'before' the false cholesterol info was promoted, is more difficult now, today, than ever before, perhaps,

    but still necessary in order to understand both why the false infomation was promoted as if true,
    what the reality of things is as needed for being as healthy as possible today... instead of distracted by the false info daily.
  3. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    What would you do if an old person visited you and had this to tell ?

    "In 1962, Dr. Frank Logsdon, former pastor of the famous Moody Memorial Church in Chicago, was a dinner guest in my home. Over the dinner table, he told a fascinating story of how he had had cancer and -- rather than going the medical route -- had gone to the Page Institute in Tampa, Florida.
    At this Institute, he was told to remove five white foods from his diet, and to switch to a raw vegetarian/fruitarian diet. He had done this and his cancer disappeared! Dr. Logsdon was about 60 years old at the time he was in my home. Several years ago, I learned he was still preaching . . . which would put his age close to 90 now!"

    Then what would you do if you looked into this, and found that hundreds of clinics all over the world, including some in the United States, have been having this same results for a century ?
  4. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    The Hunza Tribe, and six other known tribes, were once the healthies known groups of people on earth, as far as I ever learned of.

    That was, until white man, modern men, interfered.

    LIkewise , it seems the eskimo tribes once were much better off, until the usa interfered and destroyed their family structures and took their children away and took away their way of life.

    Just like some of the Native American tribes , before 'white man'/ "conquered" them.

    Likewise the Buffaloe , though not human, once thrived in the North American Continent, until "white man" and his ways and government and businesses wiped them out, along with how many other animals, birds, fish and insects perhaps ?

    Healthy, Happy, groups of people , and of animals, have been wantonly destroyed, on purpose.

    oh, just realized it is not so healthy , nor happy, to be like the usa.

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