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Internet Friends

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Frank Sanoica, Nov 26, 2016.

  1. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Can't because of the lies. I admitted to saying ugly things too but these people pretend and go on playing their games.

    @Mari North ...if you're reading this, I know you left here because of it and I wish you'd at least back me up and say I'm speaking the truth.

    I know I'm upsetting Ken but I'm backed into a corner....how could you pretend on a forum when you know and can't trust the people.
  2. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    This has nothing to do with you, I always liked you but this goes way back to another forum...SF.

    You also know that another forum was started because of the ganging up on here.
  3. Joe Riley

    Joe Riley Supreme Member

    Mar 3, 2015
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    At our age, we find that true friends are few and far between. Somehow, real friends connect at a certain level, and remain connected. Unlike most forums, I think that most members here are pretty much ourselves. If we had met on a cruise instead of a forum, we would be drawn to the same people.

    I remain active on the SF forum, mainly because of three or four members, who I enjoy interacting with. Its OK to form ties or bonds with folks we have never met face to face, and most people are not as open, in real life. Our gut instinct works online as well as offline.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2016
  4. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    It's best if my acct is deleted..as I always say I'm leaving but don't.

    I'm setting up my new iPad now so I won't even put this on my homescreen.
  5. Honey Gee

    Honey Gee Veteran Member

    Oct 6, 2016
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    I am really sad to read some of these posts.

    All I can say is I am genuine. I have been open and not a game player.

    What's the point.

    My one stance. I will not get drawn into any drama.

    Leaving this thread
  6. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Hmmm...........What is definitely NOT a lie is the fact that it was Yvonne (and I suspect others) who wrote Ken in your defense which helped lead the way for your return the last time you left our group of seniors. Think about it if you will.

    I do not know where some folks are getting all of their sideways communication from but I do wish that it would stop. Feeding a fire extra air instead of attempting to smother it does nothing except destroy everything around it.
    Where misunderstanding flourishes there will always be turmoil and enemies will always abound.
    I really believe that either people stay away from certain people and quit the gossip or try to communicate better in order that an understanding and mutual grounds be found. There's only two ways about it and both are easily accomplished by the flick of a few buttons.

    It's simple really: Either we CHOOSE to be grown ups or we CHOOSE to be children.

    God Bless..........Bobby
    Ina I. Wonder and Honey Gee like this.
  7. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    I know this is a suppose to be a serious Thread, but..........wife and I don't want to "grow up"! We have way too much fun talking/acting like we were in our 30's.
  8. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Don't forget all the times I came to Yvonne's aid cause she texted me Ina is crying because Lara was mean to her and help Ina on her Irish heritage post, etc etc.

    I even got others to help her. A million instances like that.

    As soon as Ken deletes my acct I'm outta here...see you around...I just wish everyone could see all the bs you two do.
  9. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    I don't know why people can't view other forum members as they do people in a town, or at a party. I like the town that I live in but there are people here who I don't much like, and others that I'm just not interested in getting to know. Being a small town, there are times when it would be uncomfortable not to have to interact even with those I don't like so much, and I have been at gatherings that have included people I don't like, but I don't feel that I have to either win them over to my side or go to war with them.

    No, I just participate in a little bit of conversation if I have to, so that it doesn't look like I'm the one being an ass, knowing that not everyone else in the room is aware that we don't like one another, but I mostly talk to those who I'm most comfortable with. That's not particularly difficult, and it's not phony because bad relationships don't have to be fought out in public, or at all for that matter.

    In fact, there is one person in town who dislikes me very much because I was instrumental in his losing a very good job that he had wormed his way into, siphoning off a great deal of local, state, and federal funding that could have been put to better use. He went from being the director of an up and coming organization to working at the local Subway, so it's fair to say that we weren't best of friends. Realizing that he had a hard time even being civil to me when we came across one another, I came to enjoy putting him in such a position. If I came across him in a public place, such as the grocery store, I'd make a point of saying hello to him and making small talk, doing my best to sound as friendly as possible. Unable to reciprocate in kind, he came across looking like a jerk, and I rather enjoyed that.

    Okay, maybe that's not what I want to encourage, except to say that it's quite possible to be civil to people you don't like very much. When both parties can do it well, in time it's possible to forget why you don't like one another but even when that's not the case, you're not leaving everyone else feeling uncomfortable. Sometimes that's the best you can do, and if you can do it without talking bad about one another behind the other's back, that can go a long way toward smoothing things out.

    If I were to find that I disliked most of the people in my town, I'd think about moving, and if I found that I disliked most of those at a party, I'd excuse myself early, but so far I haven't had to make that decision. If so, I might also spend some time trying to figure out why I dislike so many people.

    As I mentioned in my other post, some people are, in real life, the same person they are online; others not at all. For that reason, I am careful about what I say to people who I don't know in real life -- or I used to be. I'm not so vulnerable anymore, so I don't keep a lot of secrets.

    Many years ago, when the world was still in black and white, and Al Gore hadn't yet invented the Internet, I ran a computer BBS. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Bulletin Board Systems, they consisted of three basic parts: games, forums and chat. Even before the Internet, BBS systems allowed people to participate in discussions with people from other parts of the world who they didn't know.

    In one of the forums, I was discussing politics, as I do now. But in another introductory thread, I had mentioned the name of the city that I worked for, and talked about my job there. Well, someone got so incensed over whatever it was that I was saying in the political forum, that he actually called the city manager, who I reported to at work, apparently trying to get me fired. I don't know what he said to the city manager but he passed the call on to me, telling me that a crazy person was on the line. Nothing happened as far as my job went, but it was embarrassing, and it was a shock to find that the BBS world could intrude into my real life. I felt invaded, and I learned not to put a lot personal information out there for people to misuse.

    That violated an unstated rule that I had taken for granted, as I would have never considered taking an argument that began in a BBS forum outside of that venue. I still feel that way, which is why I have no interest in reading anyone's private conversations. It is also why I don't try to figure out who any of you are in real life. I know how to find things online and, as the forum administrator, I would have more information at my disposal, but I honestly haven't had any interest in figuring out who you were beyond that which you volunteer in forum discussions.

    It's not that I don't have any interest in you. Many of you, particularly those who have been with the forum for a long time, are friends in a different sense than friends who I know in real life. I feel that I am friends with who you seem to be in the forum, but I don't know if that's who you really are. I suppose that's true of some people who I know in real life too. Many of you are probably who you seem to be in the forum, and I don't doubt that some of you are using your real names.

    If you choose not to use your real name, I'm not going to invade your privacy by trying to figure out who you really are. That would be the online equivalent of hiring a private investigator or breaking into someone's house in order to learn more about someone I have met in real life. That's going a bit further than is reasonable, as far as I am concerned.

    No, in real life I accept what someone tells me. Oh, I am not so naive as to believe that no one ever lies to me but unless I'm thinking about going into business with them or something, I'd rather take them at their word.

    The same is true in a forum. Some people like to pretend, to some extent, and generally there's no harm done. Since this is a seniors forum, I am not comfortable with people pretending to be seniors when they are really much younger because that would diminish the significance of a seniors forum, and it would also be the question of why they are doing that. Some of the reasons that I can think of aren't good so when I have reason to believe that someone isn't really fifty years old or older, I will look into that and I have removed a few people from the forum who weren't fifty, but that hasn't been a common problem.

    We may form friendships in a forum, but they are not really the same kind of a friendship that you have formed with those who you know in person. Certainly, I enjoy those of you who have been participating in the forum regularly. I get the feeling that some of you aren't particularly fond of me but that's okay too. If you don't enjoy me, as long as you can enjoy the forum, I'm good with that; at least for now, although I'd like to change your opinion of me in time. There should be another word for an online friendship but I don't know of one.

    My wife and I met in a forum about seven years before we met one another in person. We were both working for the Open Directory Project (DMOZ) and the ODP had a private forum where we mostly discussed directory issues, to be sure that we were working toward the same end, but there was also an off-topic area where we could talk about pretty much anything. When we actually met for the first time we found that we were both who we seemed to be in the forum. We were later married, and have been together for more than sixteen years. We are both friends with a few other people who we met in the ODP forums.

    Real friendships can occur on an Internet forum but, as in real life, there are also dangers involved. You can't really consider someone to be a friend until you know something about one another and, unfortunately, some friendships aren't truly genuine and others don't last, so whatever information you might have put out there can be used against you. I don't do that, but some people do. That is unfortunate.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2016
  10. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    So, there is something we do have in common @Ken Anderson! My wife and I met on a Christian forum almost 16 years ago and recently celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary. There really can be some good friendships made and unfortunately, just as you also said, some relationships whether on the net or in real life are not so good.
  11. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Okay........so, you have my total permission to show what I have personally done to upset your part of the universe.
    If there is anything that I have written that is contrary Or false regarding you or others do feel free to show it to one and all. What I write or say is an open book and I doubt, if the circumstances are properly given, there is anything that I would be ashamed of.

    Do please stop with this nonsense and let's either totally stay away from each other (both in word and deed) or at least be amiable and considerate.
  12. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    I don't think Facebook or most Forums might be the best place to make friends, but I think it is possible to share a friendship with others this way. I also met my husband through an online Christian Forum and this past July we celebrated our 12th Wedding Anniversary. I still am in contact with a few other friends I met on that same Christian Forum too. My Facebook account is only for Family and a few close friends and I keep it that way because we all live in different areas and are able to keep in touch and share pictures, etc. through our FB accounts.

    One of the things I really appreciate about @Ken Anderson's Forum for us Seniors is that it's for Seniors. There are many Seniors who have health problems that limit their being able to get out and about. Here on this Forum they are able to socialize and discuss topics that interest them with others that share those interests too. And I believe it is possible to make a friend or two on this Forum. But to make a friend, you have to be a friend. And that to me means accepting them the way they are and respecting their opinions, etc. even when you do not share those same opinions. I think there can be many different levels of friendships on Forums just as there is in real life. And yet at the same time people on Forums can just enjoy discussing different topics with each other without ever having to do anymore than that. I just like to discuss things with others that like to discuss things too. I feel like I get to know alot about other people when we share our thoughts on different topics. And even though I haven't been on this Forum that long, I can honestly say that I like quite a few people here just from what they have discussed and how. There's alot of great Seniors on this Forum who are open and honest and who do their best to respect other's opinions while expressing their own on the topics too. There are many friendly people here....that I definitely feel a kinship with. And I thank @Ken Anderson for putting together this place.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2016
  13. Martin Alonzo

    Martin Alonzo Supreme Member

    Mar 7, 2015
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    I feel there is two types of friends the ones you meet online and find a interest in, a kinship or just a person on the same journey as you. The second type who you have met personally and have reached a feeling of connective interaction that you find beneficial. I have met people on line who came and visited me here which I put in the first category and after meeting them either put them in the second or disliked them. I have not found a person online who I dislike I have found people who disagree with me but that only makes things more interesting.
    Ina I. Wonder and Joe Riley like this.
  14. Frank Sanoica

    Frank Sanoica Supreme Member

    Feb 21, 2016
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    @Cody Fousnaugh
    Well.......I like to feel young all the time, too. Just that, today, while we did 3 miles walking the Riverwalk, my knees began telling me they are no longer in their 30s!
  15. Honey Gee

    Honey Gee Veteran Member

    Oct 6, 2016
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    I definitely think a sense of humour helps

    I really not comfortable around tetchy types. Not in the discussion sense of course as most are passionate about their subject. All adds to the fun.

    If people take offence on comment on a chat forum which I have seen I find that extraordinary.

    Must be an ego thing.

    Chat forums are great, especially members who feel isolated or unwell.

    We still need stimulus of friends from the outside world.
    Holly Saunders and Martin Alonzo like this.

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