Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing here?? All questions too often asked by we who the young whippersnappers call senile and confused.
Thank you Shirley. I know you from elsewhere ... you, Ken, and Holly and probably others here also. And I really enjoy the new friendships here, like Terry ... friendly bunch! Glad I joined.
Bonnie....are you the Bonnie on SF? I've posted this elsewhere but I'm CeeCee, LynnD, Selena from SF. Not on there now and never will be again but I did see someone that made that forum miserable for a lot of people just got banned the other day, but looks like a temporary ban because profile and green reps are still there. If banned for life like I am, everything is grey and profile is gone.
Hi CeeCee! I remember you. Yes, I am that Bonnie.. A lot of bad stuff/ideas/opinions to deal with over there... really not to my liking. .. I just don't feel like I belong, or fit in with the majority and their views. so..... I just play games there.
Hi, Bonnie , and welcome to our "Happy Place" . I am sure you will learn to love it here as the rest of us also do. Even though we do not all think the same about everything, we each respect the other person and their viewpoints; so you will not find the rude comments that are found on some other forums. Pretty sure I remember you from "over there", too, where I am known as Happyflowerlady.
I was someone else when I was somewhere else. Sheldon ( Shell ) Scott is my alter ego. You can google the name or look in my profile.
Hi Bonnie, I don't know if you remember me, but I remember you. I'm glad you found us, I think one of the differences about this forum is that none of us wish to scramble to the top of the ladder. We're more interested in friendship than showing off. So make yourself comfy, and enjoy some friendly chatter.
I've already done this elsewhere so I won't go into details, but my actual name is Ken Anderson, as I am not using a pseudonym. I was born in northern Wisconsin and grew up in a little town called Wallace in the southern Upper Peninsula of Michigan, where I was related to pretty much everyone I knew. I currently live in the slightly larger, but still small, town of Millinocket, Maine. In between, I've lived in Iowa, California, Texas, and North Carolina. As you may have noticed, this forum is not monetized in any way. The costs are borne by myself and a few kind donations from other forum members, but there is no requirement, nor will there be any nags about contributing. Your conversation is contribution enough. I run this forum because I enjoy it, and I don't enjoy micromanaging discussions or manipulating things so that everyone agrees with me. In fact, I am rarely logged into the forum under the Admin account because I prefer to participate as a regular member of the forum. I like discussing things with other mature people, and grew weary with the mass of forums, so many of which seemed to be dominated by people much younger than myself, so a seniors forum seemed like a good option, and it has been working out pretty well, I think. I'm not interested in every topic that we have here and, while I had previously prided myself on reading everything that was posted here, I am not always able to keep up with it all, although I still try. I am convinced that adults are quite capable of acting like adults so, rather than a long-winded set of rules and regulations, the working rules for this forum are borrowed from Usenet groups, and they are: Try not to be too offensive. Try not to be too easily offended.
Yvonne, Ina ... Hi again. Of course I remember. Ina, you're my neighbor, sort of ... .. we should get together sometime. And Yvonne, you know your tech stuff! .. I've read your posts ..
Welcome Gina, I hope we can entertain you. We are a group that can be silly or serious. We are a small group, but we are also a tight group of friends, and I hope you find us to your liking. Our mighty leader, Ken, is as much fun, and shows his interest in all of us. We tend to forget he is the administer, because he can behave as silly as any of us. Tell us a bit about yourself, so we can see where about your located, and what you like to do.