So 10+ years after Don't Ask/Don't Tell, the Navy trots this out: Navy officials called critics of LGBTQ+ Pride efforts 'bigots' and 'a**holes,' emails show Let's recall that this man is the Navy's "Digital Ambassador," appointed to that role this past November. Recruiters are not happy. But sales of Village People albums bumped up sightly.
I dunno if it really has anything to do with the alphabet community but Oscar Meyer changed the name of the Weinermobile to the Frankmobile. If not, it’s just irony at its best.
So, are dachshund dogs now called "Frank" dogs? If only I had known the correct pronoun back in the day. I could have saved myself from the wrath of a small town, humorless, old, cranky, and alcoholic judge. I found my original story of the event, that was published in a country living magazine along with some of my other exciting adventures. The Dog Back in the 1970s, while waiting for a range fence job to be approved up the river from my place, I took a job painting a house for an old couple in town. Anyway, as I am painting away happy as can be, and I see a car pull up, a very short guy (about the size of Danny Devito) in a suit gets out with a briefcase, opens the gate to the neighbor's yard, walks in and halfway down the walk is suddenly rushed by a yapping Dachshund. He starts backing up and the dog rushes him, leaps up, and bites him in the crotch, and the dog's teeth get hung up on the guy's pants fly. The guy starts yelling and beating the dog with his briefcase, finally knocking the little yapper off. The dog staggers around and finally takes off yapping at a very high pitch. A very heavy unkempt lady comes out and starts cussing at the guy who quickly retreats to his car and takes off. The police arrive and question me as to what I saw. I tell them my story and give them my contact info, then I go back to painting. A few days later I am served with a summons to appear in small claims court. The lady was suing the salesman for the vet bill (checking the dog over) (the dog was found to be uninjured) and the salesman was countersuing for damage to his pants. The judge back then, Old Earl had no sense of humor and didn't care much for young independent working women. After I told the court what I saw, referring to the dog as a small dog, the judge said to me in a gruff sarcastic tone, " Well if it isn't too much trouble or inconvenience for you young lady, tell us what breed of dog you saw attack the salesman?" "Well I am no expert on dog breeds," I said sweetly, "but I am guessing it was a Weiner dog." BAM BAM BAM went the gavel and I was scolded and threatened by old Earl to never disrespect his court like that ever again.
Yeah. For a full month we get to observe the celebration of same gender sex. Well, not exactly a month because Juneteenth is coming up on the 19th so I guess the rainbow / alphabet group will have to take a “pride” rest but on the 20th, they can resume being proud of their non-reproductive organs and what they do with them. Fly the rainbow flag and sing some of the lyrics to I’m a Yankee Doodle Dandy perhaps. Personally, I’m so proud of what a portion of the people of this nation concentrate on; Vagina’s and penis’s. So proud.
Do you watch commercials ? A good many of them are only about achieving either a larger erection or keeping it hard for half a damn day. Does that speak to our priorities ? Seems like. We celebrate our veterans [alive] for one day in November , or our deceased veterans for just one day ... just did in May. Yet the alphabet folks are celebrated for an entire month.
I often think that the worse we saw were Geritol commercials. What the heck are children exposed to these days? Including June, they have month-long observances for 5 out of 12 months of the year. In addition, there are (5) week-long events and (32) single-day observances. I posted a list here.
New York Museum Says Its Plants are ‘All Queer The National Pulse June 4, 2023 Alice Austen House, a designated LGBTQ+ museum based in Staten Island, New York City, is claiming all of the plants in the museum’s gardens are queer or transgender, as part of a new ‘Queer Ecologies Garden Project’ in time for Pride Month. The mushrooms in the garden “are super queer in so many ways,” says Ms. Munro, who is trying to make the museum’s gardens “a welcoming space for L.G.B.T.Q. New Yorkers.” Ms. Munro also says wisteria and lavender are queer because “[t]hey are all purple, which is this historically queer color.” “[M]any plants and flowers, to use human terms, are transgender or bisexual, in that they can change sex or have both reproductive organs and can self-pollinate,” asserts Alyson Krueger for a New York Times article on the subject. According to the non-binary garden consultant overseeing the project, Mx. Prefer, the Queer Ecologies Garden project “challenges the notion that being queer is a choice… If nature is doing it, it’s natural.” *********************************************************** See????? Wisteria is purple, so being queer is natural (not that I think anyone here cares.) We got flora, we got fauna, and we got fabulous. At some point you gotta feel a little sorry for people who have to reach like this.
That whole thing about being so-called transgender is odd indeed. We all remember the Olympic athlete Bruce Jenner. Well, he , or is it she? is now saying he's a female. Really ? Hmm. I don't wish transgender folks any harm , but it seems to me that DNA and DNA alone is what determines gender. Theoretical example: A transgender person is out walking in the mountains and slips and falls into a deep crevice. The body is not discovered for many years and only bones and teeth remain. The local coroner does an autopsy and writes a death certificate stating that the body was MALE. However, dental X-rays eventually reveal that the dead person was actually named Judith Brown. Judith's relatives demand that the death certificate be changed from MALE to FEMALE. So, is "Judith" Male or female ?
Name changes happen all the time but xx and xy never changes. Legally, I don’t know. Ya know what the weird part is? The same folks who demanded that we “follow the science” during the last pandemic are just about the same folks who are now refuting what science says regarding gender. The other weird part is that just 20 years ago, folks were getting upset about being labeled and now, being labeled is one of the highest personal priorities. e.g. I’m trans, gay, a he/them, I’m non-binary, full of crap etc.
Yes, indeed. Seems like some people follow the science when and if it suits their desires. One would THINK that the forming of chromosomes (XX or XY) should go hand in hand with the forming of male or female identity. Some time ago I read an article which said that it is possible for xx or xy to form at a different time in the fetus, than does the forming of mental gender identity. I have no idea if this has anything to do with gender identity BUT most fathers often "rough house" with boys and are much more gentle with baby girls. Possibly a factor ? I can't help but wonder if the style of "nurturing" has anything to do with gender identity ? To further complicate matters, gays are NOT all of the same "stripe". I mean to say, that SOME gays are ultra feminine while others are ultra masculine. BUT, but BOTH desire sex with other males.
Appears to be a lot of problems/protesting/fighting done between the GLBTQ people and the public in California. Disney is getting backlash due to a male dressed as a Disney character (Fairy Godmother).
Starting Point "We just want to live our lives." "We just want the right to visit our significant other in the hospital." "We just want the right to marry." Today "We demand access to your children." "We'll indoctrinate your kids in school and jail you if you resist."
America has controversies all during the year, but when June hits, this Pride Month becomes a very big controversy. It's very plain to see that not everyone in America supports Pride Month. The Texas Rangers, Major League Baseball Team, stated they will not have a Pride Day Game. They are the only team in MLB that won't have it.