There's a town in Michigan (Hamtramck) that has banned the "Pride Flag" from being flown on public property. In fact, the council vote was unanimous. The reason this hateful behaviour has not made international headlines??? The town is a Muslim enclave. The best part is that liberals were creaming their britches over having the town council packed with "diverse" Muslims. (No mention was made of the absence of African-Americans.) link
Target sells a "Pride" nutcracker for the holidays. Since the jokes write themselves, perhaps we should just leave it at that. (This is only a suggestion.)
Yeah, I heard that The View made a big stink about those who do not like the gay pride nut cracker. Behar went so far as to say that there is nothing sexual about the nutcracker so it’s okay for kids to have it. Uh, would someone tell Behar that the Gay Pride thing is All about sex and whom one is having it with? Personally, I look at the thing and think French Foreign Legion and I doubt if they would like the cracker since it kind of says that the FFL is gay.
THAT is what it reminds me of!!!!! Regarding the FFL: Here is an interesting article on it and the seedier side of what goes on with recruits who--for all intents and purposes--do not exist. I won't derail this thread, but it's an interesting read.
Yeah, they are/were a force to be reckoned with but when the Legion lost at Dien Bien Phu in March of ‘54, that was all our Government needed to start sending troops to Vietnam. Still, I don’t think the French would find the nutcracker very funny because I also do not think they allowed gays to enlist.