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Discussion in 'Games & Riddles' started by Louise Williams, Dec 11, 2017.
Stop telling stupid dumb poems PGDBS
People get de blues sometimes. E T E S S
Even tigers eat sour soup N S T R P
Natural Syrup tastes real pure. L P S L E
Longjohn Pajamas smell like Eggs. N S L E Y
No stuff? Like eggs smell? O F E S L
Often folks eat soured Lice. N S T D E
No sense talking dandruff, either. O E G F R
^^^ Old eggs give farting reports D S E G S
Do some eggs go sour? O E S O R
Once eaten . no one rusted. E N O E D
Ever notice one egg dyed? R E E G D
Run eleven events going down NNSGN
Nincompoop nutters still get nominated P S L T D
Pleasant sun lights the dark. T N S E K