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Discussion in 'Games & Riddles' started by Louise Williams, Dec 11, 2017.
Near sighted newts expect eyeglasses R D S T S
Run downtown so to shop NNOOP
Narcissistic nutters often overdo posing C S N O G
Can some nights offer glamour NESRR
Non essential stink rises roundabout. N L K S T
Never let kids sing tenor RTSGR
Relaxed tortoises still go running D S L O G
Does seem like others gallop. S M E S P
Some might eat squashed potatoes ETTDS
Eleven toads took dance steps. N S K E S
Nine sweet kids eat salad ETSTD
Exhausted toads still tap dance D S L P E
Dogs should leap pink echidna. S D P K A
Seniors don't put kids annoying STTSG
?? What does that sentence mean..?? ^^^ Some talking tortoises still grunt E G S L T