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Discussion in 'Games & Riddles' started by Shirley Martin, Jan 27, 2016.
Lovely Shirley tried yoga recently YYDAY
Your yawn does allow yelling. R N S W G
Realising new Shirley will glow GWYLW
Gee whillerkers, you laugh wholeheartedly. E S U H Y
Even Shirley understands her youth NYSRH
New York ships reach harbor. W K S H R
What ! Kate Seen Her Relatives T E N R S
The entertainers never really sing ESRYG
Every spring robins yell, 'Git!" Y G S L T
Yesterday good Shirley liked talking YDYDG
Your dog, Yellow, digs ground. R G W S D
Really good wise Shirley dances YDEYS
Yep, daily exercise youthasizes Shirley. P Y E S Y
Peter yells, even Shirley yells RSNYS
Rodeo shows never yield silver. O S R D R