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Discussion in 'Games & Riddles' started by Shirley Martin, Jan 27, 2016.
Sit down, else you'll expire. T N E L E
That's Not Elegant Lady English S T T Y H
Some totally try yelling hard EYYGD
Excessive yelling yaks go deaf E G S O F
Every golfer should offer friendship YRDRP
Yodelling reindeer dance repetitive polkas G R E E S
Good relations exist every Sunday DSTYY
Dodos slurp toasted yak yogurt S P D K T
Stop playing down kids temper PGNSR
Polite goats never shout rudely. E S R T Y
Even Shirley rode the yak NYEEK
New York elevators earn kudos. W K S N S
Washing kittens shouldn't note success GSTES
Grilled snails taste extra slimish D S E A H
Dreadful snails enter a house. L S R A E