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Discussion in 'Games & Riddles' started by Shirley Martin, Jan 27, 2016.
Happy larks rarely engross authors. Y S Y S S
your sister yelled something sweet RRDGT
Rubber rats don't get toothache R S T T E
Remember sing the title everyday RGEEY
Rough grannies eat eel yogurt H S T L T
Have seven tomatoes looking tired ENSGD
Elephants never should get dangled. S R D T D
Stop running down the diet PGNET
Problem giraffes need extra training M S D A G
Monkeys steal donuts at Gambaga. S L S T A
Stop looking sideways towards Alice PGSSE
Please go see someone else EOEEE
Energized owls eat electric eels D S T C S
Donut sales to continue Sunday … TSOEY
Try sniffing orange egg yolks. Y G E G S