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Discussion in 'Games & Riddles' started by Shirley Martin, Jan 27, 2016.
During dance, strut your stuff. G E T R F
Great effort taken reducing flies T T N G S
Time to not get swanky. E O T T Y
Every other Tuesday, try yodeling Y R Y Y G
Yesterday, Ruby yelled, "Y'all git!" Y Y D L T
Yesterday Yvonne did little talking Y E D E G
Your elephant dines elegantly generally. R T S Y Y
Rush to see your yard H O E R D
Hover over every rich donut. R R Y H T
Really run your hand through Y N R D H
Your nag ran down hill. R G N N L
Real girls never need love L S R D E
Let Steve ride directly east T E E Y T
Take every earnest effort today. E Y T T Y
Every year , takes two years! Y R S O S