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Discussion in 'Games & Riddles' started by Shirley Martin, Jan 27, 2016.
Yesterday every exercise developed yawns. Y Y E D S
Yes, you're educated, dear Sparky. S E D R Y
Sparky's education doesn't really yield SNTYD
Send nine toasted yam donuts D E D M S
David even Donald mimics Sparky DNDCY
Donald needed damp caterpillar yogurt D D P R T
Did Dominic propose right there? D C E T E
Drive carefully every Tuesday evening EYYYG
Every year Yucatan yaks gather Y R N S R
Yesterday Ray never saw Rex YYRWX
Yuppie Yolanda really was xenophobic E A Y S C
Eggs and yolks, Steve cooks. S D S E S
Silly Shirley says ,everything sparkles.. Y Y S G Y
Young yelling Shirley grows yams GGYSS
Good gosh, you're silly, Steve. D H E Y E