There is no such thing as respect, when murder it the goal and purpose. The One Almighty, Eternal, Creator, The Giver of All Life, Can and Did and Does (tell otherwise). He never had to give men nor woman an opportunity to be saved from destruction, but He Choose to Graciously. Those who oppose Him, have no chance at all.... Eternally, Spiritually, or in Life to Live, and no hope to know the truth, if they never repent until too late, after death, in absolute certain judgment.
I think many are far far worse than savages, as savages at least may know it is murder when they murder someone.... when they destroy life.
What the world needs is a d...m good instruction on Sexual Education: Prevention, venereal diseases, HPV, transmission of diseases, reproduction....WHAT IS INSIDE A WOMAN'S BODY, why a 10 y/o girl faces more risks than a 25 y/o WOMAN during pregnancy. Gee, I know a lady in her 50s- who told me she didn't want her daughter to know about Sex. Ed. because SHE DIDN'T WANT HER DAUGHTER TO RECEIVE LESSONS IN HOW TO MAKE LOVE... Gee, the ignorance is not only dangerous but ALSO very arrogant. I had Anatomy classes in the 1st and 2nd years of HS......and Hygiene in the 5th....the boys as well).. Yes, there the HS is five years.