Looking On Down The Road A Bit

Discussion in 'Not Sure Where it Goes' started by Janice Lynne, Oct 27, 2021.

  1. Janice Lynne

    Janice Lynne Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2021
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    Not sure whether to put this video into the forum for Humor or Politics or Psychology or Doomsday Conversations or whatever.

    But just to be clear, I'm offering it only as something to think about, not to inspire attack or to offend anyone's views. It's truly impressive the way members here are able to state their opinions without a whole lot of fighting, and no visible flaming at all.

    I admit that I don't roam the social media landscape much, and haven't seen the battles that are currently raging on Facebook. I don't have relatives who've split over opposing political convictions, nor do I anticipate confrontational holiday dinners.

    But I can see and hear from afar the clamor of a war that has already begun. And I simply can't believe that this is truly what any of us want.

    Bobby Cole likes this.
  2. Teresa Levitt

    Teresa Levitt Veteran Member

    Oct 22, 2019
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    well...although this is one o' those subjects that take deep thought process...
    looks possible that war is started...anyway...
    if we knew the future...we'd drive off a cliff!
    Janice Lynne and Marie Mallery like this.
  3. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    Seems to me that the washed up has been is spreading the hate he is accusng ohers of.
    Protecting yourself in an environment of radical others is not hate its survival.
    The only ones under attack Iknow of are conservative Christians [ and I do beleive in seperation of church and state ].
    I don't see an answer anytime soon to our chaos. And I also don't think that white epole are quilty at birth of racism.Evenif most young whites have been taught to hate themselves.
    I wish we could all just get along but that isn't going to happen as long as hacks like this clown keep making us enemies.
  4. Janice Lynne

    Janice Lynne Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2021
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    Yeah, it doesn't look good!
    Teresa Levitt likes this.
  5. Janice Lynne

    Janice Lynne Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2021
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    There's so much misinformation going around! For instance the idea that 'critical race theory' is something thought up by liberals to indoctrinate white school kids into hating themselves. I thought the idea was weird when I first came across it, and looked into it.

    CRT isn't anything that could be 'taught' in a primary or high-school classroom. It's something law students might encounter in college, and is actually critical of the standard 'liberal' view of racism, stating that:

    " . . . racism is neither an individual bias nor prejudice, but rather embedded in the legal system and supplemented with policies and procedures."

    Meaning that 'minorities' tend to be routinely treated more harshly by law enforcement and the courts as a matter of course, due to the way the law enforcement and legal systems automatically function.

    That seems pretty self evident! And I'd guess the Prison-for-Profit Industry is a main objector to CRT's core conclusions, since correcting the system's inherent bias would result in a massive reduction in profit for them.

    So it's not about little kids being shamed for their supposed 'white privilege.' But it's been made to seem that way by the rage-mongers. As is commonly done, a nugget of fact is taken and twisted all out of shape, and mixed with a big batch of lies, for the purpose of provoking dissension between teachers and parents and school boards, and trashing what's left of our public educational system.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2021
  6. Janice Lynne

    Janice Lynne Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2021
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    What's interesting about this video, at least to me, is that as hard as Maher tries to get his point across, he gets mired in the need to provide his liberal audience the entertainment they're expecting.

    In order to keep them listening, and not shut him down, he leads with a joke about Marjory Taylor Greene. He could logically have gone on from there to point out that Marjory is basically the Right-wing equivalent of the dogmatically shrieking Social Justice Warriors over there on the Left, who even the liberals don't like very much.

    But that would risk offending the shriekers! So he has to take a softer approach.

    What he's trying to point out, without melting any snowflakes, is that Right and Left simply mirror each other, in their knee-jerk refusal to listen to people they 'hate.' The 'hate' is mutually assumed, and expected without question by each side.

    If listened to all the way through, in a benefit-of-the-doubt manner, a 'corrective' message from Maher to his liberal audience can be heard.

    Seriously, it's there!
  7. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    I disagree almost completely except about " prisons for profit" I think that should be illegal and taken back by the states .
    We don't need any right or left wing nuts in our schools. Much less teaching our young filthy sex ed.Or seually confused kids let loose in schools bathrooms.
    Teach academics only.
    I'm glad I don't have any on school now.But do have great grands being exposed to this insanity. Have one for the girls with male organs and other 1000 alternates to use.
  8. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    @Janice Lynne who will protect the bio girl from the biological 14 y.o. girl with a male sex organ in tact? Did you think the girl with penis repeatably raping sodomizing the female with vagina in rest room was ok?
  9. Janice Lynne

    Janice Lynne Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2021
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    OK, I guess this is the story?

    Of course that sort of thing is totally unacceptable!

    Whether the attacker was actually 'gender fluid' or just wore a skirt in order to meet the girl in the privacy of a school restroom --- as the girl herself admitted she and he had done consensually on several occasions --- there's no excuse for the eventual attack that took place, nor for the attacker being quietly moved to another school, apparently without intervention or evaluation.

    What's murkiest for me is the timing of it --- accusations are currently being made against the school board for 'covering up' an attack that happened back in May, with the recent conviction of the attacker stirring explosive protests just now.

    And where on earth have the guy's parents been all this time? Seems as though they'd have had reason to suspect for quite a while that their kid was possibly a psychopathic predator, and taken steps to find out. I mean, there are signs!

    Though I admit that the gender identity thing is entirely baffling to me personally, it seems wrong to paint those sad kids with the same brush as you would a convicted rapist. 'Transgender' kids are apparently at high risk for violence and suicide if forced to use restrooms not consistent with their 'gender identity.' Which of course is up for debate on all sides.

    But, in any case, I think it could be seen as opportunistic to politicize this case practically on the eve of a gubernatorial election. Where was the outrage back in May, when the attack happened?

    And where were the girl's parents in all this? Seems as though attentive parents would have wanted to burn down the school board back in June, maybe?

    I'd say that a lot of adults are to blame here, not just the school board, but also parents on both sides of the issue. It's clearly nuts to have no restroom security of any sort, which seems to have been the case! I was hearing years ago about girl gang members stabbing each other in school restrooms, so the problem of violence in school restrooms isn't exactly new.

    What to do! Maybe cameras aimed at the floor just inside each restroom door, to record who comes in and out? Would that violate anyone's privacy, or would the vast majority of students of any gender welcome the move?
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2021
  10. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    I agree 'where were the parents all this time'?
    I was not aware the girl had been with the tranny before or pretend tranny.
    No telling what is going on we don't know about.
    Janice Lynne likes this.

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