@Holly Saunders @Paul Sparky's word was estimator. I used his estim in Testimony. Is there something I'm missing? Maybe my Fibro Fog is acting up.
I'm so sorry @Diane Lane , it was my fault because you hadn't hi-lighted the letters in the first word that you'd used, I just didn't see it...I apologise, I suffer from a malady myself like you Diane, and sometimes things get mixed up in my head.. Testimony - Stippled
Bolding it definitely does make it stand out @Holly Saunders, I'll try to remember to do that. I second guess myself, and words/letters do get jumbled in my head sometimes. It's disconcerting. I do like this game, though, it'll keep me on my toes .
Stip.pled ...Pledger My iPad thinks it's the boss and quite often won't let me spell a word partly bold ..so I put in a full stop for the old part of the word I used ..