well, I should never say never, but that food would kill me since I have T2 Diabetes. I'd eat meat out of a can, if I could even buy it that is.
Denise, I buy Amy Foods when they are on sale or I feel like spending a little more...and I did a search for Amy Foods for Diabetics and some stuff came up....you may want to do that....I don't have diabetes but keep a good check on blood sugar....not iin my family that I ever knew of....we ate everything in sight when I lived with folks...
I'm rather pleasantrly suprised and pleased too, the food is not that horrid and some pretty tasty and I pick away bread and throw stuff out that does not appeal to me....Right now a deli steak sandwich and I'm throwing a lot of the bread away..... Later there is a burrito and some veggies on the side..... I don't drink milk so get none, and usually get a Little carton of jiuice...and it's all small portions....no salt and as I see it too, I can add some of my own food to the stuff......and a small piece of fresh fruit, todah an apple and I have sliced up the apple and add to my own soup.....Love to experiment. j And for me knowing a smiling face will be at my door about 11:30 is good. I live alone and a little smile and person feels good.
The airwaves and the People are becoming more and more aware and fighting from the Jerry Brown and what he did while he was in CA office and all the damage done.....CA has the Highest prices on Everything....We use to say, well we pay a littl;e more for the SUN but it's gone Wild and mostly since Covid and Soros......
Had to taste the burrito and it's filled with melted jack cheese and cooked fresh spinach, nice treat and tasty Meals and Wheels is mixed in here with CA high costs.....